Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Negro Former DPS Official Arrested, Charged with Sexual Assault

By A Texas Reader
Wed, Jul 31, 2019 7:37 p.m.

A Negro Former DPS official arrested, charged with sexual assault

"Former DPS official arrested, charged with sexual assault - Story" | KTBC -

AUSTIN, Texas (FOX 7 Austin) - A top Texas DPS official has been arrested and charged with sexual assault and was fired from his position Tuesday. The incident allegedly happened during a party at ...

This parasite is a beneficiary of racial profiling,  a/k/a affirmative action.

I worked with a woman many years who had been raped.

She was so traumatized that years later her profile photo on LinkedIn consisted of nothing more than a GIF of a burning candle.

"Texas DPS chief of intelligence and counterterrorism fired after arrest" | The Texas Tribune
At center of photo, Texas Department of Public Safety Chief of Intelligence and Counterterrorism John Jones. Screenshot via C-SPAN A top official at the Texas Department of Public Safety has been ...

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"John M. Jones Texas Department of Public Safety" - Bing News

ATR: One account I read online said that he had bit her, and then assaulted her.

Particularly brutal assault and thus the high bond.

1 comment:

  1. Probably an affirmative action hire. The negro man for statistical record keeping favorable.
