Saturday, July 20, 2019

Facebook Fascists Strike Another Blow on Behalf of Censorship to Preserve "Community Standards"

By A Colleague
Fri, Jul 19, 2019 10:58 a.m.

Facebook Fascists Strike Another Blow on Behalf of Censorship to Preserve "Community Standards"

N.S.: In reality, these racial socialists are opposed to all
"Community Standards."


Opponents of free speech are attaching lead weights to our search for truth. 

As strangled as speech was in Poland, it was worse in Czechoslovakia. After Russian tanks crushed the 1968 Prague Spring, the Soviets allowed the Czechoslovaks more material goods, but clamped down on their ability to express themselves. Poles' material lives were poorer than their neighbors to the south, but the Poles' rebelliousness meant that Poles exercised relatively greater freedom of speech than Czechoslovaks. There was a joke in those days that attested to the human insistence on self-expression, no matter the bribes offered in exchange for silence, and no matter the threats to crush defiance. Two dogs meet at the border between Poland and Czechoslovakia. They are trying to enter each other's country. They are each astounded to see the other. "Why would you want to enter my country with all its problems?" they each ask the other.
The Polish dog says, "I want to taste meat."
The Czechoslovak dog says, "I want to bark."


On Monday, July 8, 2019, I posted, on what I had previously, naively thought of as "my" Facebook page, a link to a Front Page Magazine article by bestselling author Bruce Bawer. Bawer, a PhD, had gotten my attention years ago with his Christian writing in favor of gay rights. For years mainstream publications, including the New York Times, recognized Bawer as a liberal in the best sense of that word. Bawer's July 8 Front Page article addressed the state persecution of T _ _ _ _  R _ _ _ _ _ _ _, a British citizen journalist and human rights activist.
On Tuesday, July 9, Facebook sent me the following, "We removed one of your posts because it doesn't follow the Facebook Community Standards. We created our standards to help make Facebook a safe place for people to connect with the world around them." I was told I would not be allowed to post or respond to messages for seven days.
I asked why. I received another message. I was offered no explanation. This new message said, "We reviewed your post again and it doesn't follow our Community Standards." Kafka himself could not have said it better.
Did one of my Facebook friends inform on me? Possibly. I value diversity of thought and I do choose to have Facebook friends who are far left. A handful belong to what I can only call Team Anti-Western-Civilization. They, though white themselves, single out white people, Americans, Christians, and Jews, as uniquely evil, insisting that without whites to corrupt them, people of color and non-Western cultures are uniformly loving, wise, and peaceful.  
A friend announced my banning. Immediately, two members of Team Anti-Western-Civ, both far-left British women, said, paraphrase, well, she asked for it, because she posted in support of T _ _ _ _  R _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Both posted links to mainstream British media "proving" that T _ _ _ _  R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is evil. "Rosa L." repeated twice, "I'm not the one who reported her."
I can't imagine celebrating the banning of a friend from Facebook. I also can't imagine taking advantage of a friend's banning to post, on her page, material that I know would offend her, and material to which she could not reply.
Rosa L. knows I have grown up among the Demographic that one dare not criticize on Facebook. She knows that I've had friends and loved ones from Demographic X all my life, and she knows I would never endorse anyone who posed a threat to Demographic X. Rosa knows that like Pilsudski, I believe that as long as people love a country and follow its laws and norms, they are good citizens, regardless of their religion or race. Rosa knows that I apply to Demographic X the exact same rhetorical standards that I apply to Americans, to Polish people, and to Catholics. When Catholics do something wrong, I, a Catholic, speak out, and I demand change. Yes, Rosa knows all this. Why did she say what she did? "Truth is that which serves the party." Party needs trump the bonds of truth and friendship.
What occurred on my Facebook page is now occurring in media worldwide. T _ _ _ _  R _ _ _ _ _ _ _  has been banned from Facebook, Twitter, and now YouTube. His opponents can now do exactly what Rosa did, the minute Rosa knew that I was banned from Facebook. They can publish any calumny they want, knowing that those who might disagree have been silenced.  


  1. Actually,what the Czech dog said,was misinterpreted.He didn't say,"I want TO bark,"he said,I want BARK"--because he was expressing,what the Polish dog would find out--Czech meat is better left uneaten--unless you are a fan of diarrhea.

  2. A "Game-Changing" 10,000-Year-Old Neolithic City Has Been Unearthed Near Jerusalem (along with Mel Brooks father?)
    A giant human settlement dating back to the Stone Age has been discovered near Jerusalem, and researchers say it's not just the largest of its kind in Israel, but one of the most monumental such cities ever found.

    The sprawling Neolithic mega-site, unearthed in the neighbourhood of Motza about 5 kilometres (3 miles) to the west of Jerusalem, was first founded over 10,000 years ago, and by its peak a millennium later would have been a bustling centre of trade and activity for some 2,000–3,000 Stone Age city-dwellers.

    "This is most probably the largest excavation of this time period in the Middle East, which will allow the research to advance leaps and bounds ahead of where we are today, just by the amount of material that we are able to save and preserve from this site," archaeologist Lauren Davis from the Israel Antiquities Authority, which is conducting the excavation, told Reuters.
    GRA:Even with all that excitement,the most incredible find had to have been the discovery of two Jewish men--still living from that era--and identifying themselves as Mel Brooks Sr and Carl Reiner Sr.
    They were asked by archaeologist Davis,"Why are you still alive?"
    Brooks Sr said,"Credit--I want credit.My son, Mel Jr--who claims to be a 2000 year old man--is actually a lot older and he also stole my idea for the sketch--it was originally supposed to be called the "12,000 Year Old Man"--based on both our grandfathers.
    Reiner Sr,his head,as smooth as the pebbles found next to him,chimed in:"Yes,our sons stole our idea--not anticipating that someday,we would be found and correct the record in this miscarriage of justice--speaking of Miss Carriage--where IS your lovely bride to be--Salome Carriage?"
    Brooks Sr shot back,"THAT'S one of the jokes we dropped from the sketch,but Carl Sr keeps trying to tell it publicly--no matter how bad the joke is and that no one laughs.He is one stubborn Jew--so am I--why else would we still be here?That,and we LOVE show business!!!"
    Tickets for "The 12,000 Year Old Man" go on sale at Matzos Theatre in Jerusalem,on Friday.

    --GR Anonymous
