Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Detroit — A Black Man Charged with Beating a 24-Year-Old White Driver to His Death was Arrested Tuesday

By R.C.
Tue, Jul 30, 2019 9:25 p.m.

Detroit — A man charged with beating a 24-year-old man to his death in what officials have described as a road rage incident was arrested Tuesday by Detroit police.


  1. Great police work by the Detroit Police Department. It only took eight days to find an ID'd suspect.

  2. A new efficiency record for Detroit lol. Grand Rapids has the same problem as our cross state ghetto town--we usually NEVER find our suspects.Earlier this year,there was a double murder of two black woman by a black guy who was living with them.He fled the scene and hasn't BEEN seen since.That's the norm with blacks--they commit a murder and proceed to go on the Underground Railroad to freedom baby.Yes,it's still alive and functioning today--not just in your history books,

  3. Another scholarship to NU at taxpayer expense. Economists have advocated the death penalty for years in these situations. Saves the taxpayers money, and the NAPA thinks of prison as a reasonable place of residence. 'U Buy, We Fry' as the ghetto fish fry places like to say

  4. I would like to believe this will be treated as a hate crime but I am not holding my breath.

  5. I would like to believe this will be treated as a hate crime but I am not holding my breath.
