Thursday, July 25, 2019

Another Rogue, Federal Judge Blocks New Trump Asylum Restrictions

By A Texas Reader
Wed, Jul 24, 2019 9:48 p.m.

N.S.: If Donald Trump were more than a figurehead president, he'd have told these rogue federal judges to go pound sand a long time ago.

When Antonin Scalia proved to be a pebble in "Obama's" shoe, the latter had a talk with the former's pillow.

"Federal judge blocks new Trump asylum restrictions" - KVIA

A federal judge in California has blocked the Trump administration from enforcing new asylum restrictions for people crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.


  1. If white conservatives/moderates were organized in some tactical way,we could send a few thousand of us to San Francisco and make a scene--show we give a fu*k about these decisions--but nooooo,these rulings are dispensed in an environment,undisturbed by white opposition.A real problem.

  2. Never an end to these decisions. The plaintiff cherry picks the local and judge to get a favorable ruling. Conservatives need to do the same when they get the chance.
