Saturday, June 01, 2019

Yet Another Asian Attention Whore: "I need my yellow fever cured"

By R.C.
Fri, May 31, 2019 10:37 p.m.

"'I need my yellow fever cured': Asian American woman documents the racist, fetishist, and VERY sexually explicit messages she gets from men on Tinder

R.C.: She's not even cute.

1 comment:

  1. Obviously women like this are bragging about the number of men who are attracted to them but are attempting to deceive us by playing the victim. And every minority has been taught to play the race card and play victim. I used to work in an office with an especially good-looking American Indian woman who wasn't ashamed of using her looks. She would come right out and ask men if they wanted to buy her lunch. She bragged about getting the mechanic to give her a special price for repairing her Porsche. And she would come in after lunch and complain that men wolf-whistled at her--of course everyone knew she was bragging about it. It is no secret that lots of Asian women prefer white boyfriends or husbands--I don't hear any white men complaining about it. If a woman doesn't want to attract a certain type of man she shouldn't advertise herself on a website but rather rely on the time-tested method of getting introductions from mutual friends.
