Saturday, June 01, 2019

The Virginia Beach Mass Murderer was Yet Another Black Man; so What Else is New?


Virginia Beach mass murderer DeWayne Craddock

By A Longtime Reader
Fri, May 31, 2019 9:43 p.m.
Updated at 5:27 a.m., Saturday, June 1, 2019

"DeWayne Craddock: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know" (Heavy)

"NBC 12 described the suspect as a 'disgruntled employee.' The police chief painted a disturbing scene of Craddock entering the municipal center and randomly shooting people."

"The Wall Street Journal and other outlets continued to report that he had been terminated. The newspaper reported that Craddock returned to municipal building 2 to 'exact revenge.'"

Translation: Yet another incompetent, racist black who returned to kill as many whites as possible after finally being terminated.

Virginia Beach seems to have had many instances of racist black violence against whites over the years.

N.S.: I'm already getting notes from readers saying that they'd had this one figured out immediately.


  1. The cops fooled me,saying the unidentified killer,"was a longtime employee."
    Threw me right off.

  2. Is it not amazing that the media elite refuse to mention this cowards racial identity and the reason for his racist rampage? It is a fact that if he had been white, his family would have forever been shamed by having his name, face and every aspect of his life splayed all over the biased media spectrum. Big money bet, that EVERY victim was NOT black.

  3. Yes. I knew immediately as I read the "news" article and the first words did not say "A white male has gunned down his former co workers" I knew it was another black racist shooter. Now to find out how many of the dead are whites. It will be a while. This story will disappear in days.

  4. Your post is racist because you believe that he only killed white people but if you look at the victims there were blacks killed as well. Go to a Therapist, you need help yourself.

  5. I was just looking for the murderer's photo. The name DeWayne kinda gives it away. I wonder if he was on any SSRI head drugs for depression or anxiety like the other mass shooters all were. I wonder if he had very high debt. Guess I'm trying to make sense of something that makes no sense.

    I just can't imagine either being in that situation or being a loved one of the victims.

  6. I stumbled upon this ignorance by simply doing a search online and clicking on the first link that looked interesting. Little did I know that I would be met with such ignorance. There are certain manners of people that you just cant be mad at, but rather you truly feel sorry for them. Like the person that wrote this blog as if mass killings among black Americans is common place. "Yet another Black Man". I honestly for this guy, because it must be very difficult to live with so much unjustified hate in your heat. Hate period actually. When I first read the article about this killing I would have swore up and down this was some white guy. Seeing as 90 percent of mass shootings in this country are committed by white people. In fact white people account for the vast majority of violent crime in this country. Just take a look at mass murder article spanning back to the 1970's. Take a look at FBI, DOJ, and CDC statistics. I mean for goodness sake. The statistical definition of a serial killer begins with "White male". Statistically you should be much more terrified of the quite white guy next door than the colored people down the street.

    It is a fact that some of those commenting are truly pathetic. You should really sit back and reevaluate your life. 12 innocent people are dead and you idiots are worried about what race the gunman is. How would you feel if someone murdered your mom or sister and all the cops were worried about was the murderers race only to reinforce the terrible ideologies and hatred they subscribe to. You would think them pretty awful correct?

    Id beg you all to seek help for you hatred before it destroys you. Make it right before you pass from this world and have to answer for it. The first thing you can do is dispel all the idiotic notions you may have about black people or otherwise. Get out of the small world you live in and just get to know people of different races and cultures. I promise you it will open your eyes. Ive always said the best way to fix a racist is give them a plane ticket and a passport. Let them experience a different race and culture of people in their homeland. When they come back their eyes will truly be opened.

  7. Did the black-loving media draw up a new rule today?
    My local channel (WOOD)had its 6pm news show lead off with this story--a report coming from an NBC network pool reporter.The two minute summary mentioned the killer's name once--and did not show a photo of the killer negro.
    Then there was an update,15 minutes later--with a different correspondent--but same thing--no image of the murderous black.
    IF the network is to be consistent and devoid of racist intent,any future white killers MUST NOT be shown,the same as todays black felon.
    What are the chances of that?
    --GR Anonymous

  8. Why hasn't one national media outlet shown a photo of the Virginia Beach shooter?
    Can anyone cite any instance - in the last 10 yrs - of a white mass shooter who WASN'T ID'ed - with photo/full bio/social media - within 24 hrs?
    Why wasn't that done in this case?
    The reason is that the MO ('modus operandi') of the enraged, terminated employee has become so common and frequent as to be easily recognized - and there are people who don't want it to be recognized.
    In 2010 Omar Thornton slaughtered 8 coworkers after being fired for cause - including the local Teamsters Union rep that came to represent him at the office meeting - all of them white (as were 75% of the victims in the VA shooting).
    The police don't give a damn what race the killer is - they just do their job.
    If someone related was slaughtered like this, you damn well have the right to know WHO committed the crime and WHY - and the media have an obligation to report it.
    The bullshit above proves that 'noticing things' and 'asking questions' is 'racist', and FAR WORSE today than actually KILLING someone.

  9. OH yes its racist to notice the huge amount of crime committed against Whites by blacks. Noticing the blacks criminal behavior and their destructive behavior is crazy.. not.

  10. - to the righteously indignant and grievously offended above - a hard sobering SLAP of REALITY: Craddock followed the 'Omar Thornton playbook' TO THE LETTER. :

    '...he recently started showing serious behavioral problems and got into physical “scuffles” with other city workers, a source told The New York Times.
    The source told the paper that the troubles had escalated in the week leading up to the mass shooting — and Craddock was involved in what it called “a VIOLENT altercation on city grounds.”
    Craddock reportedly KNEW he was facing disciplinary action for the fight when he went into the municipal building with TWO .45-caliber handguns, at least one of which was equipped with a sound suppressor — and both of which were purchased legally.'

    As seen too often in innumerable, almost identical incidents to date in the shared, 'non-discriminatory' workplace of today, you either have 'Black Rules' operational, or you have violence and death.

  11. 'When I first read the article about this killing I would have swore (sic) up and down this was some white guy. Seeing as (sic) 90 percent of mass shootings in this country are committed by white people. In fact white people account for the vast majority of violent crime in this country (sic). Just take a look at mass murder article (sic) spanning back to the 1970's. Take a look at FBI, DOJ, and CDC statistics. The statistical definition of a serial killer begins with "White male" (sic).' FAIL

    'Serial killer Samuel Little, who has confessed to killing more than 90 (NINETY) women, indicted for two Cleveland slayings':
    'A 78-year-old man who may be the most prolific serial killer in U.S. history was indicted Friday in the strangulation deaths of two women in Cleveland.'

    'Check your PREMISES' - Ayn Rand

  12. 'You Swine Happy Now? Blacks killing Whites to right perceived historical wrongs'
