Monday, June 03, 2019

"It makes me feel sick to my stomach": Victim's Mother on Kim Kardashian's Campaign to Get Her Son's Murderer Sprung from Prison

By R.C.
Sun, Jun 2, 2019 4:02 p.m.

"It makes me feel sick to my stomach": Victim's mother voices anger at Kim Kardashian for trying to get her son's murderer set free from a California prison

R.C.: All of the Kardashian Klan have Negro fetishes.

Why is that?


  1. The medical name for this syndrome--of wanting to boink blacks instead of your own white race--is OJ-itus.Nicole Brown had it and now all the Kardashians contracted the mental illness as well--by Nicole's example.They saw how well the "greatest black ever"--OJ Simpson--treated his wife and THEY want the same death.
    "I want to be loved like OJ loved Nicole--I want my black bf to love me SO much,that he kills me.That's true love."
    No it's psycho(I'm doing some amateur psychology here),but I believe that's their whacked out mentality--to tempt the fates.
    Already,every black stud the Kardashians have "gone with",cheated on them--every chance they could.Kanye is a well known unhinged black,who,it wouldn't surprise me one day--out of the blue--decided to "OJ" the missus.

    However,the quote that amused me the most in the story,was this:
    "The Keeping Up With The Kardashians star has since registered with the California State Bar to study law to become a fully-fledged lawyer."
    Perry Mason never lost a case.I could see the person most likely to achieve the OPPOSITE of that fictional record would be KK--she'd never WIN one."
    It's disgusting KK is attempting to enable more black killers to get out of prison.Alice Johnson,through drug dealing,killed,like this latest Kardashian blackie project,Kevin Cooper did--just indirectly.
    By the way,the over/under for Kim passing the bar exam is 15 years from now.
    --GR Anonymous


  3. This morning,I turned my TV on--the same channel that was on last night,when I went to sleep--and the black only show,"Sister Circle" was in progress.
    "Sister Circle" is a show that white people aren't allowed to have anymore.Four (or five?) black women yammering about everything(so say their ads--the only time I see anything about this unwatchable crap).Whites aren't allowed to have a show where 5 whites(only)talk about various subjects anymore.Commercials,TV shows,movies nada.
    Today,I saw "Sister Circle" for 30 seconds,here's the dialogue--with guest,Tyler Chronicles (black "comic"):
    Fat black chick:"Here's a photo out of a magazine,with Hollywood celebs(mostly white) and their dogs.Who looks more like their dogs,Tyler?"
    Chronicles:"You know what,these are all white people,I don't know any of these white people,I don't know ANY white people period."
    All fat black chicks:"HAHAHAHA."
    Could whites say anything like that?Can we even have two whites TALK to each other these days,without it being called a white supremacist meeting?Now,for the REAL impossibility:Is it allowable to have two NON-liberal whites talk to each other anymore?
    In one word--no.A white could never go on an all white show and say they don't recognize any of the fat,blackie chicks who host this poor excuse for television- and laugh about it-they'd be banned from show business for life.
    At least blacks have free speech and the right to allow only one race(their own) on a program.
    --GR Anonymous

  4. Very odd that the mother claims Nicole was her friend, but lets her husband defend her murderer. Who needs a friend like that? None of these women ever get involved with white men and they never get involved with average or poor black men. All they do is pop out black looking children. How disgusting is that? By surrogate no less.
