Monday, June 03, 2019

Fight to Stop New York from Granting Drivers’ Licenses to Illegal Aliens!

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Shari Rendall
Sent: Monday, June 3, 2019 3:31 P.M.
Subject: Fight to Stop New York from Granting Drivers' Licenses to Illegal Aliens!

What do big business interests and labor unions have in common in New York? They are both trying to undercut New York's labor market by endorsing the so-called "Green Light Bill," Senate Bill (SB) 1747, which would grant drivers' licenses to illegal aliens. This, despite polls that show 57-60 percent of New Yorkers oppose it.

The endorsement by powerful special interests puts pressure on the legislature to pass this dangerous bill, but with your help it can be stopped!
Take Action! Call or e-mail the following undecided Democrat senators and ask them to oppose SB 1747.

Sen. Joseph Addabbo Jr.     Sen. Todd Kaminsky       Sen. Roxanne Persaud
Sen. Neil Breslin                   Sen. Anna Kaplan           Sen. Diane Savino
Sen. John Brooks                 Sen. Timothy Kennedy    Sen. James Skoufis
Sen. Simcha Felder              Sen. Monica Martinez     Sen. Kevin Thomas
Sen. James Gaughran         Sen. Jen Metzger

Also, call or email Senate President Pro Tempore Andrea Stewart-Cousins and urge her not to bring the bill to the Senate floor. It is very important that she knows New Yorkers oppose providing driver's licenses to illegal aliens for public safety reasons.

Tell your legislator not to give the "green light" to SB 1747 for the following reasons:

Granting Driver's Licenses to Illegal Aliens Poses National Security Risks: Illegal aliens are not subject to any background checks to determine whether they pose a national security or terrorism threat.

Granting Driver's Licenses to Illegal Aliens Encourages More Illegal Immigration: A driver's license is a state benefit. It's a privilege, not a right. Providing public benefits to illegal aliens only rewards illegal behavior and invites further illegal immigration. Furthermore, a driver's license serves as a de facto internal passport in the U.S., allowing people to board planes, rent hotel rooms and perform other functions.

Granting Driver's Licenses to Illegal Aliens Doesn't Mean Safer Roads or More Insured Drivers: Granting driver's licenses to illegal aliens in no way guarantees safer roads or that illegal aliens will purchase auto insurance. There is no reason to think that illegal aliens, having disregarded so many other laws, would obey this one, nor have the money available or incentive to acquire auto insurance.

We need your help to stop this bill! Call or e-mail your Democrat Senators and President Pro Tempore Stewart-Cousins now! Remind them that New York was ground zero for the 9-11 attacks and 19 of the terrorists were holding 63 driver's licenses for identification, which allowed them to live in the U.S. freely and board the very planes that attacked us.

Shari Rendall
State and Local Engagement Director

© COPYRIGHT 2019 Federation for American Immigration Reform - All Rights Reserved


1 comment:

  1. Mex don't care about road safety or any of that. Just a pretense to get them established with the drivers license. Mex just get in the car and go, oblivious to licensing or insurance or any of that gringo stuff. Since drivers license in the USA is as close to an ID card as you get that is what the object is. Quasi-legal status.
