Friday, April 05, 2019

Vatican Cardinal Robert Sarah: The “west will disappear” as a Result of Mass Migration, Adding that “Islam will invade the world” and “completely change culture, anthropology, and moral vision”

By R.C.
Fri, Apr 5, 2019 11:16 p.m.

Vatican Cardinal Robert Sarah warns that the "west will disappear" as a result of mass migration, adding that "Islam will invade the world" and "completely change culture, anthropology, and moral vision."


  1. He speaketh the truth.The globalists are anti-Catholic,Jew and Protestant,but not anti-Muslim.Insidious bastards they are.

  2. A Catholic Cardinal in a Muslim country. I bet he has a lotta fun.

  3. Amen & this is so true! Another crusade won't take place bcuz too many priest & bishops are big time Social Justice Warriors...besides the pink elephant in the room problem in the Catholic church.
