Wednesday, April 03, 2019

"Prolific," Black Serial Killer Draws More Victims after Confessing to 90 Murders, Including One in Houston

By A Texas Reader
Wed, Apr 3, 2019 9:45 p.m.

Prolific" serial killer draws more victims after confessing to 90 murders, including one in Houston

"'Prolific' serial killer draws more victims after confessing to 90 murders, including one in Houston" - Houston Chronicle

Little created 16 drawings of his victims based on his memory and recently added 10 more drawings to the collection, the FBI said. One of the victims, only identified as a black female between 25 ...


  1. jerry pdx
    OK, here we go again. Sounds like investigators are grudgingly moving the needle up to 90 instead of the previous estimate of 80 murders. The man has been killing for over 40 years, if he kills 2 women a year that gives him 80 victims right there. Do the investigators really believe a serial killer this prolific and monstrous only had 2 victims a year? 3 victims a year and the number goes to 120, 4 victims a year and the number goes to on and so forth. I don't think the investigators or the media want to go there with this guy, it could turn him into a media firestorm instead of the back burner story they are making it. It's purely and simply because he is a black man, if he were white they would be going there with him and doing everything they could to hype him and pump those numbers up. Absolutely no question about it.

  2. jerry pdx
    Guess who is now living in Portland? Everybody's favorite Korean born racist, misandrist Sarah Jeong! Just found that out through our local liberal rag the Willamette Week which had a front page feature on her:
    The article is full of so much manure I don't know where to begin but let's start with this excerpt:

    It's hard to keep up. Just last week, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development sued Facebook for letting real estate brokers use personal data to hide housing ads from people of color. In March, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) called for the breakup of Facebook, Google and Amazon. Last week, the International Monetary Fund blasted big-tech companies for avoiding taxes. And last month, the world watched in horror as a white supremacist live-streamed the murder of Muslim worshippers in New Zealand.

    The techlash has started—and Jeong saw much of this coming.

    "Sarah just has an absolute unique combination of mastery of legal issues and the ability to connect those issues to real emergent behaviors online," says her former editor Nilay Patel, editor-in-chief of the Verge, a digital publication dedicated to the tech industry.

    So she guessed that online data might be used by landlords to avoid destructive, violent and racist blacks from renting their property? Then predicted the New Zealand shooting? That's the suggestion here, but I don't think she predicted any of it, that excerpt is a flat out lie, just something implanted in the article to make her sound good. Then the BS from her former editor that she's some kind of legal Nostradamus...LOL There's nothing she's quoted as saying that anybody with half a brain and is a true free thinker couldn't have already figured out. All she does is regurgitate politically correct self victimization nonsense. Find me one legit quote or article from her that demonstrates any actual prescience! Ain't gonna happen, guaranteed!

    Then the article dwells on the typical "Portland is such a racist town, and is so scary for people of color" nonsense. Yes, Sarah is so scared of Portland that she moved here and is planning on staying. The only thing that is actually scary to her is walking by black sexual harassers & homeless junkies that infest our streets. She's much rather focus on "old white men" though. Speaking of those "old white men", she claims in the article there was a context to her comments. Yeah sure, the context was she hates those old white men.

    According to the article she moved to Portland because she couldn't afford the rent in San Francisco, that's interesting because if her former editor thought she was such a genius, then why didn't she pay her enough to live in a city like New York or San Francisco?

    Check out the photo, remember when I sent the comment about "the look". You know, the "I'm a defiant victim" look that all wanna be diversity victims put on their faces when the cameras snap.

  3. He must be innocent. That is a whitey type of crime. Negroes don't do serial killing. Too much thought and premeditation involved in serial killing. Sure.

  4. It's very possible he-s jerking their chains.Sociopaths love to toy with normal people--exaggerate,lie and deceive.I don't believe any of his fantasies.
