Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Media Hoaxer Richard Roeper Tries to Pass Himself Off as a Hoaxbuster; That’s Why You Need WEJB/NSU!

(If you don’t have time to read this fundraising letter through, and are in a hurry to make a contribution, please hit the PayPal “Donate” link at the top of this page, and make a generous donation to WEJB/NSU. Thanks!

Nicholas Stix)

I’m a hoaxbuster. I wrote my first article on a hoax in the early 1990s, for my magazine, A Different Drummer. It was a review of Outrage, a 1990 book on the 1987-1988 Tawana Brawley Hoax by a team of New York Times reporters.

The New York Times was a much different newspaper then. Socialist, rather than communist. It was run by Arthur “Punch” Sulzberger Sr., a decorated, Jewish, WWII Marine Corps officer. Unfortunately, in 1992, Punch handed over the paper to his communist son, “Pinch.” In 1993, Pinch declared diversity, not truth, as Job #1.

Outrage was an excellent book, but it still left important questions unanswered. If an old neighbor of Brawley’s family had seen the girl crawl into a large garbage bag in a lot behind her apartment building, and the sexual assault nurse examiner who examined Brawley a few hours later reported that Brawley showed no signs of sexual assault, or exposure to the elements, why did the press refuse to report on this, and why did the media and Democrat Governor Mario Cuomo and Attorney General Robert Abrams treat her, for the better part of a year, as if she were a crime victim?

I have a 2008 book that I recently bought used, Debunked! Conspiracy Theories, Urban Legends, and Evil Plots of the 21st Century.

When I read a book purporting to debunk hoaxes, I am only interested, at first, in those sections whose veracity I’m in a position to judge. If the author or his ghost-writer gets those sections wrong, he loses all credibility in my eyes. Conversely, if he gets those sections right, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt regarding the rest.

I can’t fool around.

(Sometimes, things are even more problematic. Take Heather Mac Donald. Please. I’ve caught her lying on the subject on which her whole career is based, urban policing. And yet, some of her work sounds plausible. But I no longer like to rely on her for anything.)

Roeper or his ghost-writer devotes a brief, mocking chapter, “It’s a Media Blackout,” to the Knoxville Horror, the 2007 racially motivated carjacking-kidnapping-gang-rape-torture-murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.

After mentioning the kids’ murder, the author continues,

“But in the weeks and months that followed the brutal killings, Newsom and Christian became a cause celebre—the poster couple for those who believe the mainstream media conspire to shy away from stories involving white victims and black criminals because they don’t fit into our ‘game plan’ for how race should be covered in the United States.”
But of course the MSM conspire to suppress such stories! To claim otherwise is as transparently dishonest as claiming that whites have the same crime rate as blacks, or that illegal aliens have a lower crime rate than Americans.

The author—whoever he was—then reprints a viral e-mail that charged the MSM with covering up the murders, as well as asserting that Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom had been sexually mutilated.

The author condemns the e-mail writer with conjuring up false facts, regarding the claims of sexual mutilation, as well as claims that Channon Christian had been chopped up and put in five plastic garbage bags (not from that e-mail).

The viral claims of sexual mutilation were put to rest by yours truly. I was able to track said claims back to their source, neo-Nazi Web broadcaster (and FBI informant) Hal Turner, and reported as much in the first national report on the crime, for Jared Taylor’s magazine, American Renaissance.

As for the claims that Channon Christian was dismembered, their source was a local, Knoxville TV station, which ambiguously reported that her body was found in a kitchen garbage container in five plastic bags.

The author praises the local media for covering the story early on “responsibly and with appropriate weight.”…

[Yeah. Implying that Channon Christian had been dismembered was very “responsible.”]

“But somewhere between winter and spring, the story took on a life of its own, with right-wing journalists, conservative bloggers, anonymous e-mailers, and (most regrettably) white supremacists all claiming the story had been ignored or buried by the mainstream media because the victims were white and the alleged criminals were black.”
The story didn’t take “on a life of its own.” People who were outraged by the obviously racially motivated atrocity were equally outraged by the media and criminal justice cover-ups, respectively, and pushed back.

“Then again, it’s also important to get the facts straight and to have some evidence of a cover-up before claiming one exists.”

“Here’s what we know, based on police accounts and sound reportage by reputable sources.

“On January 6, 2007, Newsom, 23, and Christian, 21, were leaving an apartment complex in Knoxville when they were accosted by carjackers who took their vehicle and abducted them at gunpoint. They were taken to a rental house, where both were repeatedly raped.

“After several hours, Newsom was shot and his body set afire and dumped near some railroad tracks. Christian remained alive for several more hours before she was killed, her body dumped in a trash can…..”
According to Roeper or his ghostwriter, the killers “dumped” Chris Newsom’s burning body. Why didn’t I hear about them burning their hands? Because they didn’t dump his body. They made him stumble to next to the nearby railroad tracks, with his legs “shackled” with clothing and a sock stuffed in his mouth, shot him three times, and then set his corpse on fire where it lay.

Chris Newsom was murdered at about 2 a.m., on January 7. Channon Christian didn’t remain alive for several more hours, and wasn’t killed and her body then dumped in a trash can.

As millions of people know, no thanks to the MSM, but in hundreds of thousands of cases thanks to yours truly, Lemaricus Davidson, his half-brother Letalvis Cobbins, and two other as yet unidentified (except for their DNA profiles) males gang-raped Channon Christian all through the night. On the afternoon of January 7, Davidson tried to snap Channon Christian’s neck, like he’d seen done in movies and TV dramas, and then placed her hogtied but very much alive body face down in a garbage container filled with plastic bags in the bottom, where she slowly asphyxiated over the next 12-24 hours. Thus, she was alive 24-36 hours longer than Chris Newsom.

Millions of civilians know more about this case than big-time author Richard Roeper, or his ghostwriter, and certainly more than the person to whom he jobbed out the research on this pathetic book. If Roeper should assert that he researched this thing, he’s got to be in the running for the title of the world’s most lazy, incompetent researcher.

Oh, but there’s more. Roeper insists that there was no reason to believe that the Knoxville Horror was racially motivated, and re-posts the pathetic rationalization by John Gill of the District Attorney General’s office that because the killers “socialized with” [read: Slept with] whites, there was no basis for believing the murders were racially motivated.

One of the black killers, George Thomas, told a police interviewer of Channon Christian, “Fuck that white girl.” How much you want to bet that Richard Roeper, his ghostwriter, and his “researchers” know nothing about that?

And yet, when one or more whites commit a heinous murder of a black, there’s somehow always grounds for believing the murder was racially motivated, and for the national media to flood the zone with coverage.

Why would the only national stories by MSM outlets (all after my first national report, which CNN plagiarized!) not care at all about the victims, but only be published, in order to vilify those whites—including Channon Christian’s father, Gary—who cared about them?

Roeper or his ghostwriter tells a particularly despicable lie, in asserting that the people who demonstrated in Knoxville on behalf of Christian and Newsom didn’t care about them. Those demonstrators made it their business to know the victims’ names, unlike the communist counter-demonstrators, who came to mock the demonstrators, and by extension, the victims, and who had no idea who had been murdered, except that it was a couple of whites.

The author claims that the KH was a cut-and-dried case; ergo, there was no reason to cover it nationally, after the initial arrests. That’s so ridiculous, it isn’t even funny.

The author cites repeated references by critics of the KH coverage to the “Duke case.” Not only does he refuse to identify Duke as a rape and media hoax, but he uses ambiguous language that could easily be construed to suggest that the falsely accused white lacrosse players were really guilty of crimes against black prostitute Crystal Gail Mangum.

“Nearly every e-mail I received about the [KH] case mentioned the Duke case, in which three white lacrosse players were thrust into the national spotlight when a black exotic dancer accused them of raping her (all charges were later dropped).”

“For that matter, if there was no hate crime, what exactly were we supposed to dwell on for months and months? The horrible crimes were committed, the suspects were quickly rounded up, and they await trial. This was never like the Duke case, with so many layers of intrigue and drama, so many twists and turns. [Huh?] As a developing news story, there simply weren’t that many developments once the arrests were made.
Try this:

The national media refused to report that one of the killers, Vanessa Coleman, had written in her diary of how much fun she’d had, committing the Horror. Of the endless trials, now seven so far, with an eighth scheduled? Of the salacious scandal, in which the late first of three trial judges trying the case was caught using a probationer under his supervision to provide him with drugs, had sex with her in chambers during court hours, was convicted of crimes, disbarred, and briefly imprisoned? Of George Thomas’ racist statement? Of the additional two rapists, who have yet to be named? Of the obscene attempt, by a racist black “reporter,” to try and get Gary Christian to shake hands with Vanessa Coleman’s remorseless, racist father during one of her trials? Of the Christians’ campaign to get Tennessee’s laws changed?

There is no innocent explanation for the national MSM’s refusal to cover this case.

Rehashing one of the pathetic rationalizations by “media ethics experts” but without attribution, Roeper/whoever asserts that there was nothing unique about the KH, and that prisons across the country are filled to the brim with killers who committed crimes just as grisly. That’s a bald-faced lie. But it could have been used to justify not giving national coverage to the James Byrd and Mathew Shepard murders, which the author cites as grist for a very different mill.

Now, the author feels like he’s really on a roll!

“I’m also a little confused about which side the mainstream media are supposedly on. First we’re told that we constantly favor stories involving missing white women like Natalee Holloway and white children such as JonBenet Ramsey. Why don’t we cover the stories of missing black women and murdered Hispanic children with equal gusto? We must be racist.”
My friend and partner-in-crime, David in TN, has repeatedly answered the author’s smarmy rhetorical question. The MSM floods the zone on stories like Natalee Holloway and JonBenet Ramsey, because they expect the killer to be a white male, and seek to exaggerate the prevalence of white male murderers. They avoid covering most murders of black and Hispanic females and children, because the killer is bound to be a black or Hispanic male, and they seek to minimize the prevalence of black and Hispanic male murderers.

Roeper never grants that the MSM is guilty of anything. That's all the work of "white supremacists" and "ultraconservatives."

Please hit the PayPal “donate” link at the top of this page, and make a generous donation to WEJB/NSU.

I thank you, and your posterity will, too.


Nicholas Stix


  1. " neo-Nazi Web broadcaster (and FBI informant) Hal Turner, and reported as much in the first national report on the crime"

    Whatever happened to Hal? I think Hal was much more than an informant. Hal was an agent provocateur that the FBI was coaching to create havoc and chaos. Use Hal to stir the pot so to speak and encourage racial discord.

  2. Roeper....he's a movie critic isn't he?Stick to what you think you know.
