Monday, April 01, 2019

Death and Loss, and Bad News All Around

By "W"
Sun, Mar 31, 2019 9:25 p.m.

Nipsey Hussle Killed in Los Angeles Shooting: Reports |


  1. YES! A name take-off on Nipsey Russel the negro comedian. And this WAS front page news? Negro rapper killed by other negro rapper or rappers!

  2. NBC had this on their "Negro Nightly News",of course.White folks in Montana must have scratched their heads over why this made national news.
    "I thought Nipsey Russell died a long time ago,Betty."
    NO WHITES have ever heard of Nipsey Hustle--NONE.
    But I will repost my freshly crafted poem to commemorate:
    "There once was a rapper named Nipsey.
    His gang may have been somewhat Cripsie.
    Nipsey Russell could rhyme,
    Nipsey Hustle lacked time,
    If only he had moved to Poughkeepsie."
    Lesta DID confirm affiliation with the Crips.
