Saturday, April 06, 2019

Banned Again! Major Network’s News Division Has Permablocked One of America’s Top Crime Reporters from Posting Any Comments!

By Nicholas Stix

“We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by ABC News. Find out more.”

They have a history of blocking or deleting some, but not all of my comments, but this is the first time they got explicit about it.

I'd checked out a story on the black, “gentle giant” serial rapist, Michael Lee Jones Jr.

"This comment was deleted." [N.S.: I have no idea if it was mine.]

Peter [to deleted] Guest • 5 years ago

Not necessarily because he's black, but because he's the last person seen with her

Michelle McDonald Cortez • 5 years ago

I'm thinking [private investigator Ken] Brennan had it all right - except I think he followed her to her floor and room and forced his way in behind her ---- then knocked her out/overpowered her and took her to his room where everything else went down. Remember ---- SHE SWIPED HER ROOM KEY MOMENTS AFTER ENTERING THE ELEVATOR!!! She HAD to have gone there first.

Cathina Haynes Michelle McDonald Cortez • 4 years ago

No, 18 minutes lapsed between the elevator and her key card swipe.

N.S. I tried to write, It turned out that the second clock was wrong, and there was no 17-minute lapse, but I only managed to write, “It turned,” before I was blocked.

1 comment:

  1. I got blocked I guess a few months ago, because ABC had posted a story about a guy who had told others not to use his daughter's death to push their political views.

    I said it was fairly ironic when you tell others not to do something and them immediately after, do it yourself.

    Apparently, that's a bannable offence.

    ABC cannot handle criticism, even if it's not towards them. They're only interested in an echo chamber.
