Sunday, March 31, 2019

Small Mexican Texas Town Terrorized by Cartel; Resident Begs for Border Wall

By A Texas Reader
Sat, Mar 30, 2019 11:50 a.m.


  1. Greet your brothers and sisters with open arms amigo and amiga. Let your house be their house. Etc.

  2. jerry pdx
    Yet another young beautiful white girl is murdered by a negro monster. You may have seen the headlines about 21 yr. old student Samantha Josephson who went missing. Police have now arrested Nathaniel Rowland, a 24 yr. old black man. I had that feeling about this one when she first went missing:
    We know how this works. The reason this one got national headlines was because she went missing and they didn't know what happened to her, when they know right away it's a black man that did it the story gets minimal attention. Story was already out of the bag so it's too late for the MSM to cover it up.

  3. jerry pdx
    NBA player accused of rape! Here we go again...except it's Kristan Porzingas, a white European NBA player.
    OK, he's Lithuanian and I have no idea what their culture is like in regard to male attitudes toward women nor do I have any idea what he is like but according to the article he raped her just hours after he tore his ACL. That's an extremely debilitating knee injury and it seems unlikely he'd be able to rape a woman when he couldn't even walk. His lawyer is saying it's a shakedown and like so many #MeToo stories now, she doesn't report right away but waits a year to accuse him.
