Saturday, March 23, 2019

Life in Bill de Blasio’s New York City: A 20-Second Video that Will Make Your Skin Crawl

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Ruthann‏ @TeaBoots
This has totally ruined my day -This is crazy -this elderly women is defenseless —— someone please help her Hope they find this thug soon

Nicholas Stix‏ @NicholasStix 12m12 minutes ago
Nicholas Stix Retweeted Ruthann

Oh, but didn't you know? It's racist to call any black a "thug," no matter how evil he is.

Now Comes The Pain ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Enjoy The Show🍿‏ @Digidiva2018 11m11 minutes ago

That first kick to the head could have killed her I say... Attempted Murder! Lock this POS up!

Now Comes The Pain ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Enjoy The Show🍿‏ @Digidiva2018 52m52 minutes ago
Replying to @consmover

• • Nicholas Stix‏ @NicholasStix 43m43 minutes ago
Replying to @Digidiva2018 @consmover

If the cops catch him, he'll probably get hit with only misdemeanor assault. If you're a black man in NYC, you can commit murder, and only get mis ass... or nothing. Sorry, I just remembered. In that case, the vic was an old white man. Never mind.


Violent, often racially motivated crime is a constant on the subways in Bill de Blah Blah Blah and Worst Lady Chirlane McCray’s New York City. I almost never leave my area, but when I have taken the subways and buses into Brooklyn and Manhattan over the past 2.5 years, about half the time, I was either a crime victim, or the train I was in was held “due to a police action” in a train up ahead—day or night, weekdays or weekends.

So, whenever you hear de Blah Blah Blah complain that the trains run slow, because Albany hasn’t given him hundreds of millions of dollars in additional repair money, keep that in mind. De Blasio refuses to crack down on black super-predators, whom he supports; he would variously steal the “repair” money, share it with his crime partners, and put some in general funds.

The communist de Blah Blah Blah loves guys like this. If he has any concern, it’s that the perp attacked a black woman, instead of a white man.


  1. "That first kick to the head could have killed her I say... Attempted Murder! Lock this POS up!"

    This is absolutely correct. Kicking a person in the head or slamming their head into the ground is using lethal force. Even if the kick does not kill it can cause grave bodily harm. Broken bones, disfigurement, hospitalization, disability.

    Slamming the head into the ground as Treyvons in FLA did to Zimmerman.

    The moron Treyvons probably did not even realize he was using lethal force. Or did he?

    (ZH)German police arrested 11 people on Friday during a series of raids on a terror cell planning an "Islamist terrorist attack" using guns and a vehicle, prosecutors said.

    The goal, according to police, was to "kill as many "infidels" as possible."

    According to, the plan was foiled by a team of more than 200 police, which carried out simultaneous raids early Friday morning in several German cities near Frankfurt.

    The raids turned up €20,000 ($22,640 US), several knives, narcotic drugs and computer files. The primary suspects are two 31-year-old brothers from Wiesbaden as well as a 21-year-old man from Offenbach.

    The group had allegedly made contact with various arms dealers, according to, which added that they had rented a large vehicle - ostensibly for the attack.

    The arrrests come one week after two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand were attacked by 28-year-old Australian Brenton Tarrant, killing 50. Authorities have been on high alert for both copycat and revenge attacks.
    GRA:Just a matter of time.The odds of a high casualty attack increases with the numbers of Muslims you let in your country.Simple math,just like when you're surrounded by blacks in your neighborhood--you WILL be robbed/killed.

    --GR Anonymous
