Monday, March 25, 2019

Did the ID Channel’s New, Three-Hour Program on the Atlanta Child Murders Offer Any News?

By David in TN
Monday, March 25, 2019 at 1:12:00 A.M. EDT

I saw the three-hour ID Channel program on the Atlanta Child Murders that ran Saturday Night, March 23. Nothing new. The same old “The Klan did it,” from a stepmother. The cops and FBI men who worked the case were circumspect. They feel Wayne Williams, convicted of two of the murders, did many of the killings, at the least.

It was felt family members killed 3-4 of the victims on the list. The two adult males Williams was convicted for were relatively small physically and mentally retarded, easy prey.

The trial was discussed. Williams took the stand and blew up under cross examination, sealing the guilty verdict.

The current Atlanta mayor and police chief (both black females) are “reopening” the case. They still think “the Klan” did it.

The program was a waste of time. Where are the TV specials on the NOI/Zebra Killings?


  1. Yes,Lesta promoted this as if a black guy DIDN'T necessarily "make black chillen(as he likes to pronounce the word,children) disappear".
    I guess this is another way to attempt to incite blacks against whites--try to reopen cases that blacks have been convicted of,mention that whitey might have done it (with no proof)and let the fur fly.Plant a seed in their feeble brains and let their racist hatred of whites take over.Same methodology NBC uses on "white police officers attacking unarmed black men,""white hate crime perpetrated against black chillen",,"Jussie Smollett attacked in hate crime by MAGA wearing whites...",etc.
    Those events are reported in their early stages with facts not known or twisted to suit the agenda.The Wayne Williams case HAD a trial,but that's not going to stop Lesta and black groups from suggesting whitey might have been involved.
    After all,blacks NEVER kill their fellow must be whitey,let's kill HIM.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. Chirrens = chilluns.

    I saw this too. Just the preview but said to myself: "here we go again". Whitey done did it. We know whitey done did it. Sure."

  3. jerry pdx
    Wayne Williams is the only black serial killer to receive major media attention. White liberals and black racists can't stand that so they want Williams to be a victim of some kind of KKK conspiracy. You'll find many blacks who believe the KKK was snatching black kids off the streets in Atlanta and killing them. Of course a white couldn't show his face in black neighborhoods without getting the stare down from blacks so the idea a gang of white KKK members could roam around grabbing kids is ridiculous, but this is the black logic we're talking about here. Here is a blog screaming about how Williams was "framed":
    It's light on facts and heavy on race hyperbole, a little research easily debunks everything she writes but it gives you an idea just how stupid Williams fans are.

    The reasoning behind Williams being innocent is simple. Some of the kids he supposedly killed were tied in with other possible child killers and there is no forensic evidence tying him to the murders. The 2nd has changed because modern dna testing of hairs tied Williams to one of the murdered kids:

    What the pro innocence people don't realize is that there is never much, if any, forensic evidence tying serial killers to their victims, by the time the victims are found any useful evidence has usually degraded too much to be useful. The only witnesses are the victims themselves and they are dead. Serial killers are usually convicted simply on the coincidence of them being in the proximity of so many murders (unless they are the kinds that bury the bodies in their homes). There was basically no forensic or eyewitness case against Bundy or Ridgeway. Ted Bundy was convicted on unscientific bite mark evidence and a witness who barely saw him years before and couldn't even reliably identify him. There was no forensic or eyewitness case against Ridgeway, he just admitted to everything when he was finally caught. It is very possible some of their victims were killed by someone else, perhaps a boyfriend, husband, another serial killer or they were suicides. Doesn't mean that Bundy & Ridgeway weren't responsible for most of those murders though, but Williams fans won't apply the same reasoning to Williams, they say because there's evidence that some of Williams victims were killed by others, then he's completely innocent,they just won't apply that reasoning to white serial killers like Bundy or Ridgeway. It's interesting to compare the cases of Bundy/Ridgeway to the Williams case, there is far more actual evidence tying Williams to the murders than there is tying Bundy/Ridgeway to their crimes.

  4. jerry pdx
    Oh yeah, and why dredge up Williams when there's a black mega serial killer named Samuel Little being ignored by the mainstream media? Any comment on that Lesta?

  5. Stop this nonsense about a black serial killer. I say the AMISH did it--just like the AMISH did the rest of the crimes which plague every inner city. Okay, perhaps it is too extreme to blame all crimes on the AMISH--probably the others were done by Mennonites.

  6. Jerry PDX
    We don't report black crime--only white crime--for obvious propagandist reasons.
    --Lesta Holt
