Thursday, March 21, 2019

Dem Presidential Candidate John Hickenlooper: Diversity is Likely Our “greatest strength”

By R.C.
Thu, Mar 21, 2019 9:05 a.m.

Speaking Wednesday evening during a CNN town hall in Atlanta, 2020 Democrat presidential candidate and former Colorado governor John Hickenlooper said that diversity is likely the United States' "greatest strength."

R.C.: Didn't this parasite hire illegal aliens to work in his restaurants?

Isn't  that how he made his money?

N.S.: And one of them murdered someone.


  1. Likely? So he is not so sure himself. I am sure. It is not so. Diversity is a curse. Not an asset. Hick is an actor merely mouthing a script written for him.

  2. ---Not if you're white.

  3. NBC(if you can believe them anymore)says,"No further indictments"from Mueller.The just released report to the AG Barr,seems to be a dud.
    Can NBC be trusted?I think in this case,with the Mueller report exonerating the president,yes.It must have felt like a colonoscopy to the peacock network--without anesthetic--having to lead with a nothing story.They barely talked about it--lol.
    "There are OTHER investigations going on,"begged Kristin Welker.
    Right,let's start one on YOU and Lesta and see what we can find.
    --GR Anonymous
