Friday, March 29, 2019

Border Crisis Worsens -- More than Fencing Required

By R.C.
Fri, Mar 29, 2019 6:18 p.m.

Border Crisis Worsens -- More than Fencing Required

From: Newsletter - <>
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2019 4:45:39 P.M.
Subject: Border crisis worsens -- more than fencing required

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This Issue: Border crisis worsens. President must acknowledge what it will take to genuinely address the underlying causes.

Fri, Mar 29th
President Trump rightfully recognizes that the situation at the southern border is a crisis. He has responded by declaring a national emergency in order to access federal funds to build new barriers, and this week the Pentagon announced it had redirected $1 billion for that purpose.
Barriers can be effective, and more fencing is needed in certain areas. Before President Trump took office, there had long been bi-partisan support for border fencing.
The problem with President Trump's approach is that barriers will not prevent much of the illegal immigration that has been occurring in successive waves beginning in 2014. As Chris Chmielenksi pointed out in last week's newsletter, the numbers of Unaccompanied Minors and Family Units from Central America have greatly increased, as well as the number of people claiming asylum. This surge will not be stopped by building more fencing, since poorly written and administered immigration laws hamper DHS's ability to detain and process the cases of individual members of these groups in a timely manner. And they are coming in such large numbers that Border Patrol and the immigration courts are completely overwhelmed.
A new caravan is forming and reports are it could grow up to 20,000. DHS projects that illegal crossings at the southern border could reach one million in FY219, and Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan told reporters in El Paso this week that the immigration system is nearing its "breaking point."
There are three things that are necessary in order to effectively deal with illegal immigration from Central America:
  • mandate E-Verify for all employers and turn off the jobs magnet,
  • close the asylum loopholes,
  • reform the so-called Flores Settlement Agreement that prevents the feds from detaining minors for longer than 20 days.
Without these fixes the crisis at the border will continue unabated, new fencing or no.
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen on Thursday asked Congress for more authority to deport unaccompanied minors.
President Trump does needs to work with Congress on a permanent solution going forward, but he can start right now acknowledging what is needed and begin taking action.
More detention space at the border is needed, as are more immigration judges who can quickly adjudicate asylum cases. The President must not consider his job finished now that he has found money for more fencing. He intends to visit the southern border in two weeks. Why wait?
The President has recently renewed his threat to completely close the border with Mexico. But without the three necessary actions noted above, it is doubtful tough talk will be any more likely to discourage the border surge than it has in the past.

Sens. Graham & Durbin Introduce Dream Act

Article Image Tue, Mar 26th Senators Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) have introduced the Dream Act, S. 874. If passed, the bill would grant amnesty and lifetime work permits to more than 2 million illegal aliens who meet certain requirements. Unlike the H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act, S. 874 would not grant amnesty to foreign citizens, most of whom first came to the country illegally, who have received Temporary Protected Status or Deferred Enforced Departure. President Threatens Border Closure Next WeekArticle Image Fri, Mar 29th President Trump today tweeted that he will close the Mexican border or parts of it next week if Mexico "doesn't immediately stop all illegal immigration coming into the United States." This is the latest in a series of closure threats over the last six months. The president had asked Congress for help in stemming the border crisis but it has not been forthcoming.

How Much Water is the GDP worth?

Article Image JEREMY BECK Thu, Mar 27th With water shortages an increasing concern, we need to measure the true value of perpetual growth. CBP: Border Crisis at Breaking PointArticle Image
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NUSA in the News

Affinity Magazine -- In a story profiling Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.). NumbersUSA 's grade card was referenced. Sen. Klobuchar has a career grade of D-.

Affinity also spotlighted Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) . Sen. Booker has a career NumbersUSA grade of F.

(You can view the career actions and grades of every Member of Congress at
Wed, Mar 26th
Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan told reporters on Wednesday during a visit to El Paso that the immigration system is nearing its "breaking point." He said Border Patrol officers have taken in more than 12,000 illegal border crossers over the last two days -- a level he described as "unprecedented."

IT Manager Sentenced to Prison for H-1B Fraud

Article Image
Wed, Mar 26th
The head of two IT staffing companies was sentenced to a year in jail after he was found guilty of falsifying visa applications to secure H-1B guest worker visas for foreign nationals. According to the Justice Department, Anjaneyulu Katam "falsified visa applications, work experience documents, and work contracts, which he then submitted to the U.S. Department of Labor, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of State, in order to secure illegal H-1B visas for Indian nationals."

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1 comment:

  1. Congress, meaning the House, is NOT going to work with Trump no matter what. They want not only what is occurring now to continue but also more even way beyond that. Much more indeed. The destruction of America as a nation-state.
