Saturday, March 23, 2019

$518 Million: Help Me Close the Fundraising Gap; Support WEJB/NSU!

I just read that my good friends at the SPLC recorded $518 million in assets at the end of 2018, over $40 million up from 2017. (It’s not clear if Hate, Inc.’s assets went up $41 million or $47 million.)

However, there’s been nothing but good new since then. The hate group’s founder, Morris Dees, was fired just the other day for all sorts of muttered improprieties, and its President, Richard Cohen, just followed him out the door.

Cohen is unimportant, but Dees is huge. Dees is in the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame, and is responsible for the gang’s war chest being so huge. Part of his success is that he is a gentile with a commonly Jewish first name, and targeted rich, Holocaust-obsessed Jews. The rubes didn’t know.

With Dees out, the organization’s fundraising drives will bring in a fraction as much money. The man has the Midas touch.

Hate Central has been hit for millions of dollars over the past year in defamation settlements, there are more such lawsuits on the horizon, and look for numerous multimillion-dollar lawsuits by present and former staffers for racial and sexual discrimination and sexual harassment.

Are the lawsuits shakedowns? In that world, everything’s “discrimination,” and everything’s a shakedown.

This time next year, the Poverty Palace might only have $400 million in its piggy bank.

Here’s where my loyal readers come in: I need you guys to bridge the gap! It may take a while, considering that our finances are presently at $ [censored], but considering that I have nowhere to go but up, and the SPLC has nowhere to go but down, I have faith that we can shrink the gap.

Please hit the PayPal “Donation” tab at the top, and make a generous donation to WEJB/NSU.

I thank you, and your posterity will, too.


Nicholas Stix

1 comment:

  1. "he is a gentile with a commonly Jewish first name, and targeted rich, Holocaust-obsessed Jews. The rubes didn’t know."

    Morris, Sheldon, Irving, Myron.

    I wonder how many did fall for it??
