Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Reader Engages Journalist on the Finer Things in Life (Videos Galore!)


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

By dirkdiggler404
Tuesday, January 29, 2019 at 9:03:00 A.M. EST

I always see your recommendations on the noir film genre but don't really have much knowledge about them. If you could recommend your top three I would surely appreciate it. In return I shall give you my top three commercial recommendations that I find humorous or clever:

1. ATT: “Stay in your lane, bro”;

2. Geico: “Humpday”; and

3. The Dollar Shave Club (set to a Sammy Davis Jr. song, I think).

As an aside, I’ve expressed my expertise to you once before on the subject, but I must confess that I think Alexandria Occasional-Cortex has a pretty sweet rack that almost absolves her of her shortcomings.

GEICO Hump Day Camel Commercial: Happier than a Camel on Wednesday


Stay in Your Lane (Not Sure if This is the One; Language Alert)

INSURANCE Ft. Tyrese - By@TopRopeZeus - Our Blades Are F***ing Great (L---uage Alert)



By Nicholas
Tuesday, January 29, 2019 at 11:18:00 P.M. EST

1. The Maltese Falcon (1941 version, starring Bogie): The father of Film Noir;

2. Double Indemnity (1944): Billy Wilder’s hard-boiled version of James M. Cain’s novel, starring Fred McMurray, playing gloriously against type, and Barbara Stanwyck; and

3. If The Third Man counts (1949?) as film noir, then it is definitely #3, even though it is ahead of both the previous pictures (#10) on my list of the greatest movies of all time. (There’s no femme fatale, but it is on lists of the greatest films noir.) It stars Joseph Cotten as a down-on-his-luck pulp fiction writer who visits an old friend in Vienna who had offered him a job, only to find the friend dead, and the postwar city full of shady characters claiming to have been his dear friends.

Re TV commercials: I've heard the phrase, "Stay in your lane," but am not sure if I saw the ad. "The dollar shave club" spot doesn't ring a bell. GEICO’s “Humpday” spot, however, is Hall of Fame stuff. Larsonesque, in taking a metaphor and making it concrete. GEICO ran it the other day. I recognized it immediately with the sound off.

If comedy still lives in America, it is in TV commercials!

As for your other observation, as a longtime scholar on the subject, I agree.

Just a day or two ago, I told my family that if a female politician is physically attractive, I cannot counter her arguments!



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