Sunday, January 27, 2019

More Systemic Corruption in D.C.: Top FDA Official Blows Whistle on Internal War, as Agency Approves Drug 10X Worse than Fentanyl



By Reader-Researcher R.C.
Sat, Jan 26, 2019 9:06 p.m.

More systemic corruption in D.C.: Top FDA Official Blows Whistle as Agency Approves Drug 10X Worse than Fentanyl, Funded by DoD

Top FDA Official Blows Whistle as Agency Approves Drug 10X Worse Than Fentanyl, Funded by DoD

Dr. Raeford Brown, who is chair of the FDA's committee to review various opioid based drugs before approving them, blew the whistle in an interview with the Guardian this week.. Brown told the Guardian that there is a "war" inside the FDA in regard to approving opioids.

1 comment:

  1. There is no opiod crisis..there IS a fentanyl crisis however. The only people that are truly being affected by the "opiod crisis" are those of us with chronic pain. A drug addict is going to be an addict one way or another. They will find some substance to abuse for whatever their reasons may be. I myself (and others that I know) have been denied effective pain management, either long or short term, because doctors are worried they will be questioned and harrassed for proscribing pain meds. The whole opiod crisis is just more leftist propoganda to deflect from the fact that the current open (for all purposes) border policy is allowing this country to be flooded with heroin being transported,in many cases, by illegal immigrants .
