Sunday, December 02, 2018

Lez Love Conquers All: An American BDS Activist was Unable to Boycott HER Feelings for a FEMALE Soldier in the IDF; the Loving Couple Now Lives in Israel and Hope to Marry...

By Reader-Researcher R.C.
Sun, Dec 2, 2018 6:35 p.m.

An American BDS activist apparently wasn't able to boycott her feelings for a female soldier in the IDF. The couple is now living in Israel and hope to marry, with the BDS activist adopting pro-Israel views, local media says. The unusual love story began
The unusual love story began after Jess Belding, an American student at Yale University, started to correspond with an Israeli, Ronnie Zidon.. Belding was active in the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement – a global campaign to end Israel's occupation of Palestinian land through the boycott of Israeli goods and services, the divestment of funds and sanctions.
Is this from The Onion?

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