Sunday, December 09, 2018

Happy Hanukkah!



By Nicholas Stix

I know, I know! Chanukah (numerous spellings) began on the night of December 2, and is almost over. A Jewish friend sent me a heads-up, but I forgot to do anything. I even saw him on Friday night, among gentile friends. And The Boss even dusted off and brought out our electric menorah for the first time in years.

But like I always say, better late than never. ‘Cause with me, it’s generally late, or not at all.

1 comment:

  1. jerry pdx
    It takes a strong stomach to open the pages of our local "news"paper the Oregonian. If there is another mainstream publication for a big city more infused with politically correct ideology I'd like to see it. The big O has been running a 5 part series throughout the week on a decades old white serial killer named John Ackroyd (no relation to Dan as far as I know), he operated in the 70's and murdered 3 women they're reasonably sure of though possibly more.
    The author of the series is an "alleged" reporter and white female named Noelle Crombie. As the series ran, I couldn't help but wonder: Why no front page feature on Samuel Little? As the readers here know, people who don't have PC blinders on, Little is a black serial killer who is likely now to be the most prolific ever in the US. You'd think that would merit a few hysterical headlines, or at least a token mention in the back pages but the PC Oregonian won't even do that. They haven't run one story about him. But even if a media outlet runs his story no reporter in this country will be doing long exposes of his life and exploring the circumstances that led him to become a serial killer, there will be few if any reminder stories and no mentions of his name every time a new serial killer emerges, that's all reserved for white serial killers, especially the holy triumvirate of Bundy, Dahmer & Gacy. Even if a reporter wrote one, I doubt any editor would run the story, which shows whose pockets they are firmly nestled in.
    I posted a comment in the Oregonian mentioning two much more recent black serial killers that operated right her in PDX that the Oregonian gave minimal coverage to: Ladon Andre Stephens and Homer Lee Jackson, both of whom are essentially anonymous to the typical Portland citizen, though they sure know about this 40 yr. old white serial killer story now. I recall yrs. ago on TV a cop was being interviewed right after they caught Stephens for the rape and murder of 14 yr. old Melissa Bittler, and that he said, kind of in passing, that they suspected he had murdered other missing young girls, but that was where it seemed to end, never heard a thing about anymore of an investigation afterward. Something that seems to happen a lot of black serial and mass killers.
    This kind of "news reporting" where the public is whipped up into a frenzy over "white" serial killers while black ones are treated with disinterest gives you an insight as to why police might not be particularly motivated to investigate black ones with the same zeal they do with white ones.
    We'll see how long my comment lasts, they've got me tagged and most of them get sent down the rabbit hole but sometimes they slip through the radar.
