Sunday, December 09, 2018

A Video of Communist/Anarchist Violence Saturday on Behalf of Immigration Anarchy, but What Country Did this Play Out in?

Excerpted, translated, and supplemented by Nicholas Stix

Baden-Württemberg is my old home state (1980-1985).

Leftwing Extremist Violence:

Today (December 8) in Stuttgart, after a demonstration against the UN Migration Treaty, and in spite of a strong police presence, Alternative for Germany Baden-Württemberg State Representative Stefan Räpple was attacked with a wooden bench, while sitting in a car. The video is from Räpple’s Facebook page.

My response:

Wo ist die Sauerei begangen worden? Deutschland oder Amerika?

Where was the swinishness committed, Germany or America?

Note that even in Germany, unlike in Charlottesville, Virginia, the police understand that in order to prevent horrific violence wherever communists/anarchists show up to attack patriots, they must keep both groups apart.

70 People at Demonstration against Migration Treaty, 400 at Counter-Demonstration, 2 Arrests, 5 Injured

Stuttgart. With a strong presence, police kept a Stuttgart event by AfD state representative Stefan Räpple, as well as a counter-demonstration apart. The rally organized by Räpple had 70 listeners, while the counter-demonstration had 400, according to police reports, which said the event, including the protest went off generally peacefully. Police were present with two water hoses…. [70 Personen bei Demo gegen Migrationspakt, 400 bei Gegendemo - zwei Festnahmen, fünf Verletzte, Deutsche Presse Agentur, die Pforzheimer Zeitung, 8.12.18.]

N.S.: The leftwing, statist, German press follows the same rules as their American counterparts: Emphasize that only a fraction as many patriots/pro-white demonstrators showed as had been expected, report communist/anarchist slogans, as if they were statements of fact, and push reports of violence to the end, without mentioning that all of the violence was committed by the racist Left.

70 Personen bei Demo gegen Migrationspakt, 400 bei Gegendemo - zwei Festnahmen, fünf Verletzte
Stuttgart. Die Polizei hat mit einem starken Aufgebot eine Kundgebung des AfD-Landtagsabgeordneten Stefan Räpple sowie eine Gegendemonstration in Stuttgart auseinandergehalten. Bei der von Räpple in Eigenregie organisierten Veranstaltung waren etwa 70 Zuhörer, bei einer Gegendemonstration nach weiteren Polizeiangaben 400.
Demnach war die Kundgebung samt Protest dagegen weitgehend friedlich verlaufen. Die Polizei war mit zwei Wasserwerfern vor Ort….

1 comment:

  1. Attacking a person with an object and using that degree of force is using lethal force. The cops do nothing. Even with the cops around the bad guys still attack. So what is the citizen to do.
