Saturday, November 24, 2018

Whatever became of the US Navy officer who gave George W Bush THAT 'bear hug': Bobby Jones reveals how he was disciplined but has now joined top naval ranks to become a commander

Sent: Sat, Nov 24, 2018 10:56 pm
Subject: Whatever became of the US Navy officer who gave George W Bush THAT 'bear hug': Bobby Jones reveals how he was disciplined but has now joined top naval ranks to become a commander

A US naval officer who broke protocol by giving former President George W Bush was disciplined for the stunt but ultimately became a commander a few years later. Bobby Rashad Jones was a ...

1 comment:

  1. Let's see...because he was black,his below average educational skills were ignored,his actions toward Bush were basically ignored (just a dumb black boy who "forgot" the rules),he was given free education (during which his grades were probably manipulated higher)and now he's a certified A-A-A-A:Affirmative Action,African American with a white wife.Not inspiring to me--maybe to Lesta though.Jones shouldn't be in charge of a kayak,let alone naval functions.
    It's called "black privilege"--to the nation's detriment.
    --GR Anonymous
