Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Faced with Regular Barrages of Gunfire, Officers Confronting Serial Killer Christopher Dorner Lobbed Incendiary Tear Gas into Cabin Where Dorner was Holed up

By A Texas Reader
Tue, Nov 27, 2018 8:51 p.m.

Faced with regular barrages of gunfire, officers confronting suspected killer Christopher Dorner lobbed incendiary tear gas into the cabin where Dorner allegedly was holed up, said law enforcement officials with knowledge of the situation.

ATR: Uncle Sam's troops used tear gas at the border, but it was used in an open air environment there.

Waco, not so.

Janet Reno: We salute you!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013 10:01 P.M.

Faced with regular barrages of gunfire, officers confronting suspected killer Christopher Dorner lobbed incendiary tear gas into the cabin where Dorner allegedly was holed up, said law enforcement officials with knowledge of the situation.

Confirmed: Police Used Incendiary Tear Gas to Start Fire that Killer Dorner

The same thing was done at Waco.

The victims were incinerated or died of smoke inhalation at Mount Carmel.

Mount Carmel Center

Met a guy a few years ago through a family member. The guy has a Master's in engineering from Texas A&M University, and works in the aerospace industry here in Texas. He also holds a Class 3 gun dealer's license.

Class Three III Gun Dealers

He had a term for the tanks that injected tear gas into the compound at Mount Carmel. He called the tanks "Zippos," like the lighters.

Wikipedia: "Rippo."

So, where do you think the cops in San Bernardino got the idea to use tear gas against Dorner?

1 comment:

  1. Never heard of a specific incendiary tear gas grenade. Those tear gas grenades themselves can be red hot and start a fire and perhaps that is what they mean by incendiary.
