Thursday, November 29, 2018

Crap 24/7: Traces of Feces Have been Found on Every Single McDonald's Touchscreen

By "W"
Thu, Nov 29, 2018 12:27 p.m.

Traces of feces have been found on every single McDonald's touchscreen. - GOV'T SLAVES

"W": I never go near McD's. Decades since I bought an Egg McMuffin at an airport.

N.S.: Back in early 1980, when I got my restaurant manager's license at SUNY Stony Brook, the instructor from the Suffolk County Department of Health told us that McDonald's standards were so high that local government would see what they were, and set the legal standards a little bit lower. Thus, you could pass a county inspection, but still fail a McDonald's company inspection, and thereby lose your franchise.

Those were the retrograde, racist times before McDonald's embraced diversity, and whites started being maimed and murdered at its restaurants.

Traces of Feces Have been Found on Every Single McDonald's Touchscreen


  1. What about the food COOKED by blacks?
    Drugs,plus the body fluids.Roll the dice if you dare.Non-black McD's are no worry.

  2. This is probably just about every place you go and have to use such a machine or a public toilet.
