Monday, October 08, 2018

You Can't Fix Stupid: One Person "Playing" with a Loaded Gun Shot and Killed Another Player

-----Original Message-----
From: A Texas Reader
Sent: Mon, Oct 8, 2018 8:39 p.m.

Subject: A witness told police that Hester was playing with the gun, putting it to several people's heads and pointing it at them, the affidavit said. The witness said people were taking the magazine in and out of the gun and the witness thought it was a BB gun, t

Witnesses told police that several individuals had been playing with a handgun when the suspect pointed the gun at the victim and fired a shot.
You can't fix stupid.

1 comment:

  1. They had the two gang bang mopes in Chicago playing Russian roulette while aiming at their feet. One guy had both feet shot. Got shot once, went to the hospital and got patched up. Then got shot again in the other foot. Probably will get long term disability now.
