Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Video: Watch Some Moslem Rapefugees Assault Police, to Stop Them from Arresting Other Moslem Rapefugees

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Someone—not the cops—keeps shouting “Alles gewöhnlich” (“Everything’s normal”). I can’t make the accent, but unless this is local vernacular, it’s not a common German phrase. “Alles in Ordnung” (Everything’s o.k.,” literally “Everything’s in order”) is the common German phrase. Thus, I suspect that the speaker may be a rapefugee.


  1. Merely touching the police is enough to get you arrested in the USA. These German cops must be under some kind of orders to restrain themselves.

  2. Don't those cops have stun guns, tasers, pepper spray, billy clubs--or guns? This society is suicidal. No wonder these savages assault women--looks like they can get away with anything.
