Sunday, October 21, 2018

The Northern Triangle reconquista-Criminal-Invaders Have Produced a Photo Op, to Prove that They are an Invasion of Children!

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

By David Croom

Where did Hondurans from the incoming caravan/hoarde get a top-of-the-line Maclaren stroller that currently sells for $368.88 on Amazon? …

N.S.: That's a good catch. Talk about a phony-looking photo op!


  1. Sympathy. We must have sympathy. Especially for the little children. How evil to use children as part of a political circus.

  2. jerry pdx
    They did that routine in the previous caravan, when they reached the border they gathered the few women and children amongst all the young men and pushed them to the forefront with cameras rolling, the idea was to create the false impression it was a caravan of women and children. Clearly the orchestrators of the caravan were quite aware of the predominance of young single men and wanted to fool the US public. It worked, as it always does, most US citizens don't realize these mass migrations are almost all exclusively young men.
