Saturday, October 13, 2018

ACLU Responds to Introduction of McCarthy Immigration Bill

ACLU Responds to Introduction of McCarthy Immigration Bill


October 12, 2018

WASHINGTON — House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy introduced a bill today that includes provisions to violate the constitutional rights of immigrants and inflate the Department of Homeland Security budget.

The bill would allocate $23.4 billion for a border wall, which even members of the Republican party have referred to as a “quantum leap” in funding. The sweeping bill also includes several bills previously introduced in the House that raise serious constitutional concerns.

Lorella Praeli, deputy political director at the American Civil Liberties Union, had the following response:

“Let’s be clear: this bill is blatant political posturing ahead of the election and a total disregard for how voters want the government to use their taxpayer dollars. It rewards Trump for his brutal deportation force crackdown and family separation policy. Moreover, the bill is riddled with constitutional violations that completely disregard the civil and human rights of immigrants.

“The true intent of these bills is to empower Trump’s deportation force and anti-immigrant agenda. It’s inhumane, unacceptable, and voters will remember it in November.”

This statement can be found online at:


  1. Pass it--quickly.It's time to quit f**king around.

  2. It is a quantum leap to pay for the cost of housing all the illegal aliens per YEAR in Ameican prisons and do so for YEAR after YEAR.

    Costs too YEAR after YEAR for anchor babies of illegals high too. To reiterate, YEAR after YEAR.
