Thursday, October 11, 2018

Mexican Couple May Have Killed 20 Women

By "W"

For your Latino Family Values file.

At People.


  1. Aztec human sacrifice to appease the gods and make for rain. That sorta thing?

  2. 11 Infants Found Decomposed in Shutdown Detroit Funeral Home
    (Detroit News)Construction workers found the remains at 5:27 p.m. Friday inside the Cantrell Funeral Home on Mack Avenue while working on rehabbing buildings. They then notified Detroit police.

    The bodies were hidden in the ceiling of the buildings. Eight bodies were found in a cardboard box, three others were found in separate trash bags in a single small casket, police said.

    Detroit police searched the building and continue to investigate at the scene.

    Late Friday, two police cruisers, a Detroit police crime scene van several and several unmarked police vehicles were outside the now vacant funeral home. Authorities on the scene declined to provide other information.
    GRA:From the report,it appears to be in the ghetto.
    --GR Anonymous
