Monday, October 08, 2018

Los Angeles Celebrates Slavery, Human Sacrifice, and Cannibalism: Happy Indigenous Peoples' Day!

-----Original Message-----
From: Reader-Researcher R.C.
Sent: Mon, 8 Oct 2018 20:24
Subject: Los Angeles Hosts Its First Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration

Christopher Columbus was the guest of dishonor at this party.Away from the revelers, a statue of the famous explorer was kept hidden behind a black box in downtown Los Angeles' Grand Park, decorated with an altar celebrating native people.Monday marked the first celebration of Indigenous Peoples Day in Los Angeles, a year after the county ...
What about human sacrifice and cannibalism?



  1. For Jerrypdx--it's time to MOVE!

  2. Better to celebrate hell than serve in heaven? Is that what this is?

  3. American Indians noted practitioners of slavery. Had no qualms about the peculiar institution. The strong dominate the weak and all that.

  4. jerry pdx
    This is typical for these antifa goons in this town, they take the paths of least resistance, regular people out doing regular activities and staging phony "brawls" with so called right wing extremists. Truth is they stay away from anybody who really seems dangerous and focus on non violent conservatives just trying to express their opinions. If they really put their money where their mouth were, they'd fight the cops who are protecting their so called "oppressors", but they don't do that because they are cowards. Whether I would agree with them or not I could actually respect them a little if they did.

  5. jerry pdx
    It's important to understand something about indigenous people, they are people like modern people, just living a different lifestyle and one that is undoubtedly more sustainable though not necessarily better in any other way. Also, there's no such thing as the "noble savage", a myth promulgated by pie in the sky liberal types that want to mythologize them in an unrealistic way. There really is no solid evidence that most primal people practiced cannibalism any more than modern people do. Much of the record of what the Aztecs and Mayans did was based on brief observation from biased conquistadors who had good reason to demonize them. Depictions on glyphs of people being killed may not be any different than our own pictures of criminals being executed, we simply have to little knowledge of a culture that was so quickly obliterated and kept no written records. We don't know if it was any worse than the blood lust of the Roman coliseum that went on for 2,000 years. However, it is proven that primal negro people have practiced cannibalism and still did well into the 20th century, it was quite common in Africa and in Pacific Island cultures. It's now practically non existent in white and Asian countries but still persists in many negro countries and is embedded in tribal and cultural practices. The murder and dismemberment of albino blacks in Africa for ingestion is occurring right now and warlords in Africa brag about consuming their enemies. It's not primitive whites and Asians that ate other human beings (except in rare circumstances), it's primitive and modern blacks who did it and still do it on a mass scale.
