Saturday, October 13, 2018

Jim Brown, on Taking a Knee (Video)

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Last expanded on Saturday, October 13, 2018, at 11:19 p.m.

“See, first of all, I’m an American; that flag is my flag. I don’t think we should take knees in protest, instead of be standing up for our flag. I think we should work out our problems as a family.”

Trump’s racial juggling act is blowing my mind! First, he makes friends with Krazy Kanye West. Now, he’s got black nationalist Jim Brown sounding like an überpatriot.

(Truth be told, this is not the first time Brown criticized Colin Kaepernick’s movement, but this time he was either more eloquent, or I heard too brief a snippet of what he said earlier.)

Trump has an intuitive feel for a certain type of black stud, whether from sports or entertainment. It’s in the machismo. These guys hear the Access Hollywood tape, and high-five each other. ‘Dag, that’s the way I talk!,’ to paraphrase.

I’d like to hear Don Lemon call Jim Brown an Uncle Tom. Brown may be 82, but he’s still dangerous.

Complete text:

“Oh, I can be very blunt about taking a knee. See, first of all, I’m an American. That flag is my flag. Things that I’ve overcome in this country have allowed me to become a better person.

“I don’t think we should be taking knees in protest, instead of be standing up for our flag.

“I think we should work out our problems as a family.

“And that’s what I would advocate to my children, and to all the young people I deal with.

“I am an American, that flag is my flag, and I want to represent it that way.”

Was Brown thinking of that as his last moral will and testament?


  1. Jim Brown doesn't have to let anyone else EVER tell him how to think and what to say.

  2. Everyone(on both FOX AND MSM)are too worried about what blacks think.If the whites in the country got a clue,they would homogonize their thoughts and take this country back.Instead,whites have been splintered,thanks to efforts by the media to divide the white voting group into pro-white and anti-white.THAT'S how this country has been divided,not by the general population as is offered,but by the WHITE population alone.The constant drumbeat of whites complaining about fellow whites,as Behar and Wallace or politicians like Pelosi do,has had an effect.Many protesters ARE white.If whites could become one voting group,what blacks or Mex thought would mean absolutely nothing.
    Any whites voting Democratic are voting for their own extinction.I'd love to hear Trump say
    --GR Anonymous-I'm a white man
