Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Increasingly PC Fox News Hyped an Interview with Ugly Mexican Jorge Ramos, in Which He Lectured Concerned Americans that the 7,000-Strong Invasion Force is Not an Invasion

-----Original Message-----
From: A Texas Reader
Sent: Tue, Oct 23, 2018 10:48 p.m.
Subject: Fox News on Monday hyped an interview with open borders advocate and Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, in which he lectured concerned Americans about a 7,000-strong migrant caravan headed to the United States-Mexico border.

"Jorge Ramos Defends Migrant Caravan on Fox News: 'There's no invasion here.'"

Fox News on Monday hyped an interview with open borders advocate and Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, in which he lectured concerned Americans about a 7,000-strong migrant caravan headed to the United States-Mexico border. During an interview with Fox News's Martha MacCallum, Ramos admitted that ...


1 comment:

  1. It's true.Compared to the 20 million+ Mex that have already poured in here,7-14,000 is not an invasion.The "invasion" already occurred over the last 30 years.
    (We lost many states).
