Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Honduran Migrant Caravan EXPLODES to 4,000 People as it Approaches Mexico-Guatemala Border

-----Original Message-----

From: A Texas Reader
Sent: Wed, Oct 17, 2018 9:38 p.m.
Subject: Honduran Migrant Caravan EXPLODES to 4,000 People as it Approaches Mexico-Guatemala Border

On Wednesday, the caravan of mostly Honduran migrants exploded to a whopping 4,000 people as it approached the Mexico-Guatemala border, despite President Trump's warnings to cut off U.S. aid.
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Open borders can and will bring down Trump.

Think voter registration fraud.

1 comment:

  1. Trump has got to lay the law down on this sinister plan,which is part of the bigger plan to oust Trumpians(Trump and his supporters in Congress).Yes,by importing warm,non-English speaking bodies from central America (possibly to areas where close voting is expected in the next two years)Democrats can hope to steal 2020 with illegals voting in those states--Ohio,Pennsylvania,Michigan etc.Where are these "refugees"being placed is the key question?Which states?And who's in charge--people in the Department of Immigration who are against Trump--like Stroszk and Page were in the FBI?It needs some looking in to by the upper echelon of the Trump administration.You can't assume all government agencies and employees are on your side.Make sure policy is being implemented in Trump's favor.
    --GR Anonymous
