Thursday, October 18, 2018

CNN Media Gang Thugs Ana Cabrera, Marc Lamont Hill, and Godfather Jeff Zucker Win Duranty-Blair Awards for Journalistic Infamy!

By Nicholas Stix

CNN goons Ana Cabrera and Marc Lamont Hill, and CNN Worldwide President Jeff Zucker are the newest winners of the Duranty-Blair Award for Journalistic Infamy! Cabrera and Hill won their D-Bs for a blood libel they launched yesterday, in which they lied in asserting that President Trump had said, "White men have a lot to fear right now..."

In fact, as The Daily Wire’s Ryan Saavedra shows below, President Trump had said: "It's a very scary time for young men in America...," and Trump Jr. said he is most concerned for his sons.

The fake, piped quote from Cabrera and Hill would actually have been absolutely true, had the Trumps said it. As everyone knows, the truth is racist.

A word on the award to Jeff Zucker. My current policy on awarding D-Bs is to bestow them on the immediate offenders, and on the managing and executive editors who function as their capos. One cannot function as a reporter, columnist, news reader, etc., without being hired and greenlighted by one’s top editors. (If one is an ink-stained kvetch, one must also work with any number of line, copy, headline and department [e.g., city/metro, sports, etc.] editors.)

I spent some time searching the Web in vain for the names of CNN’s managing and executive editors. It turns out that those job titles no longer exist. Oh, there are managing editors for certain turfs, but not for figures like Cabrera and Hill. It turns out that Jeff Zucker had arrogated for himself those responsibilities when he took over in 2013, at which point he showed Managing Editor Mark Whitaker the door.
“When Zucker was hired [in 2013] to lead CNN out of the ratings basement, many at the network assumed that the previous ranks of executives would markedly thin as Zucker takes on much of the day-to-day responsibility at CNN and also amasses his own team of direct-reports. Whitaker’s position will not be filled; rather, Zucker will lead the editorial direction of the network.” “CNN Managing Editor Mark Whitaker Resigns,” by Marisa Guthrie, The Hollywood Reporter, January 29, 2013.].
Since Zucker has been running CNN since before any of its Duranty-Blair laureates won their awards, I am retroactively awarding one D-B to him for each one I bestowed on his soldiers, just as a prosecutor will charge killers years after having prosecuted their accomplices. As with murder, there is no statute of limitations, where bad journalism is concerned. Even the dead may be recognized with D-Bs. That means that Jeff Zucker is now the possessor of nine Duranty-Blair Awards, with surely more in his future.

Cabrera, Hill, and Zucker join five other CNN Duranty-Blair laureates:

Symone Sanders (2), Don Lemon, and Kate Bolduan (2), in November 2016;

Activist Jim Sciutto, in May 2017; and

Walter Duranty wrote a series of early 1930s dispatches from the Soviet Union, where he was Times Moscow bureau chief, in which he lied about the Ukrainian Holocaust, in which Stalin deliberately starved millions of Kulaks (farmers) to death, through a man-made famine. Instead of reporting the truth, Duranty reported that the peasants were happy and well-fed, and was rewarded for his lies with a Pulitzer Prize.

Jayson Blair (here, here, and here) was an early 2000s black affirmative action hire, who alternately plagiarized reporters at other newspapers, and fabricated articles out of whole cloth, all for stories set hundreds and even thousands of miles away, while he sat in New York City cafés.

Ryan Saavedra
✔ @RealSaavedra

CNN's Ana Cabrera lies about recent comments made by President Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr., claiming they said: "White men have a lot to fear right now..."

Trump said: "It's a very scary time for young men in America..."

Trump Jr. said he is most concerned for his sons...

Fake News Autopsy

By Ann Coulter
October 17, 2018

Whenever Donald Trump talks about fake news, there are howls of indignation from the establishment media. We're told that the very mention of "fake news" is a direct attack on our democracy, that the alternative is "darkness," that it led to the dismemberment and murder of Jamal Khashoggi, and that, yes, every once in a while there might be a typo, but if you mean the media intentionally report false information, that is dangerous demagoguery.

I present CNN's Ana Cabrera.

On Sunday night, Cabrera launched a premeditated, vicious, racist lie about President Trump, then proceeded to discuss the false story with a black guest, primed to analyze the fake news.

We'll slow down the replay in order to follow the ball, so you can see every handoff in the creation of fake news.

A few weeks ago, when Judge Brett Kavanaugh was facing 30-year-old, completely uncorroborated accusations of sexual assault based on recovered memories in order to block his Supreme Court appointment, Trump said, "It's a very scary time for young men in America when you can be guilty of something that you may not be guilty of."

This statement was quoted by numerous news outlets, including CNN: "Trump says it's 'a very scary time for young men in America,'" Jeremy Diamond, Oct. 2.

Cabrera rewrote the president's quote, telling CNN viewers that Trump had said: "WHITE men have a lot to fear right now."

How did "white" get slipped in there?

If this were merely a mistake, there are lots of words in the English language that might have been inserted instead of "white." Why not "radial tire"? Why not "hangnail"? Why not the words "virtuoso" or "champagne"?

Dictionaries are heavy with all of the words that might have been inserted if this were an accident. How could the word "white" inadvertently get slipped into a Trump quote?

CNN intentionally told an ugly lie about the most incendiary issue roiling the nation: race. It wasn't a lie about Trump's position on tax policy, North Korea or school vouchers. The network deliberately pushed a racism narrative calculated to incite racial hatred that could get someone killed.

Like a professional jewel thief swiping a Cartier watch so deftly that the guard doesn't notice, Cabrera launched the lie during a segment that began: "People are talking about a string of recent incidents with racial undertones."

"People are talking about" is how opinion journalism masquerades as news. What topics aren't "people talking about"?

People are talking about CNN head Jeff Zucker's split from his wife after 21 years.

People are talking about Chris Cuomo's behavior at the CNN Christmas party.

People are talking about how Ana Cabrera got her job.

Cabrera then presented two stories about white people falsely accusing black people of doing things they hadn't done -- which was ironic, inasmuch as Cabrera was about to falsely accuse Trump of doing something he hadn't done.

After a brief word from a black guest, professor Marc Lamont Hill, who said our world is "still shot through with white supremacy," Cabrera told the lie about Trump:

"President Trump and his son, Don Jr., said this week, white men have a lot to fear right now."

(His son said no such thing either.)

Cabrera then ran a clip of "Saturday Night Live" comedian Michael Che's "take" on the nonexistent quote, in which he injected race into the president's remarks, calling Trump a "white dude."

Che: "Come on. Old, rich white dude telling us it's a scary time in America? That is pure comedy."

(The absence of a punchline was covered with, "That is pure comedy," meaning, "Please laugh now!")

At this point in the program, the lie about Trump transformed into actual presidential policy. Cabrera asked Hill, "Why do you think that is Trump's strategy?"

Hill went off on the fictional Trump quote, talking about the president's "racial tribalism." Again, this was about a Trump statement that had absolutely nothing to do with race -- until CNN made it so.

"It stokes white fear," Hill continued, "saying that it's a scary time to be a white man because you get accused of something that you didn't do" -- as CNN was accusing Trump of something he didn't do.

Goebbels would be proud!

If this were an error, it would have been quickly corrected before the first commercial break. It was not corrected because it's not a mistake; it's a political strategy. CNN invents fake news to push an ugly narrative about the president's "racial tribalism."

That's why an entire news segment was prepared around the fake quote, with an invited guest asked to comment on something Trump never said.

To those of you with jobs and busy lives, clip this column and keep it in your wallet so you are prepared the next time someone scoffs at Trump's denunciation of fake news.


  1. Two things:Manu Raju was scheduled for an award October 31st(with host Ben Stein).These jokers can be included in that ceremony--just have to buy 3 more Snickers bars and 3 packs of M&Ms for the dinner.Why waste money booking another Motel 6 dining room to give out these extra awards?
    As far as Trump talking about "young American men are in trouble...",I mentioned back then,I think he WANTED to say that "young WHITE men are in trouble",but couldn't,in front of the midterms.He'd like to--but can't.I hope to hear him say this in the future because without a white leader to open everyone's eyes(whites mostly),the extinction of Caucasians will only ramp up.Trump also needs a policy to bring white population back--I've mentioned tax cuts for citizens making over $50,000 a year to have more kids (targeting whites,hopefully).Also more prisons for blacks.Prison reform will do two things to white's detriment.
    1)Let out black felons
    2)Just as importantly,let more black thugs out to reproduce.Keeping them in prison would seemingly keep reproduction down.Of course Trump cannot SAY these proposals were for the purpose of tipping the balance of population growth back to whites,but he'd better DO it--and soon.If after a second term,that's fine,but the hard truth must be told to whites by Mr.Trump(no one else can do it).
    --GR Anonymous

  2. jerry pdx
    Nice in theory to believe prison keeps them from reproducing, we could only wish it were true but most black men in prison aren't lifers but caught in the revolving door of alternating incarceration and freedom. When they are out of prison they feel like it's their duty to impregnate as many women as possible to make up for when they go back, plus prison is like a dating service for women who like male jailbirds, a lot of both black and white women are prison groupies who are aroused by the "bad boy" criminal. They communicate with them online and are waiting at the doors when they are released to start popping out babies because Lord knows these are men with bright shining futures as providers and role models. Not even to mention conjugal visits and covert handy panky that goes on with female guards, other female prison employees, lawyers and social workers. Occasionally they are caught and it's in the news but my guess is that most of the time nobody finds out about it.

  3. How about a drug you could put in their water(while in prison)that eats up their sperm permanently?SOMETHING needs to be tried.Status quo on this current situation is not an option.
