Saturday, October 20, 2018

America Must Take Action Against UN Invasion or Fall: Globalist Program to Use Migration as a Cultural and Political Battering Ram for Western Civilization Now Operational

-----Original Message-----
From: Reader-Researcher R.C.
Sent: Sat, Oct 20, 2018 9:47 p.m.
Subject: AMERICA MUST TAKE ACTION AGAINST UN INVASION OR FALL Globalist program to use migration as a cultural and political battering ram for Western Civilization now operational

"America Must Take Action Against UN Invasion or Fall"

A note from Alex Jones: As previously mentioned, this is 21st century warfare being carried out by multinational corporations and NGOs, organizing around the United Nations and quarterbacked by Soros-affiliated groups. It's meant to break the will of the nation-state by opening up large migration routes from the third-world into the first-world as part of a neo-colonialism system.


  1. Whitey slowly and surely done away with. Massive influxes of dark skinned folks that have a higher birth rate than whitey plus the push for intermarriage between the races to create a mulatto race the intention.

  2. The purpose?What's in it for whitey?Why are whites pushing for their own demise?There's no advancement in intelligence here,with the death of the white race.Survival of the fittest?Darwin(a white)will give out one giant award to "The Caucasian Population That Used To Be"--they committed mass assisted suicide.For recorded history we fought to continue our own race,now,in the last 40 years,we decide NOT to?What group mental illness have we developed?
