Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Video: President Trump Addresses the New York Times’ Publication of an Anonymous Editorial Allegedly Written by a High-Level, Seditious White House Staffer

Nicholas Stix‏ @NicholasStix now
Replying to @realDonaldTrump

You're going to have to do mass polygraphs of your staffers. But first test your daughter and her husband!

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Does the so-called “Senior Administration Official” really exist, or is it just the Failing New York Times with another phony source? If the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!

N.S.: “Does the so-called ‘Senior Administration Official’ really exist? That’s the $64 question.


  1. Top 12 Potential Traitors(according to Zerohedge)
    Don McGahn
    We know the White House counsel is a short-timer.

    Dan Coats
    The Director of National Intelligence is very much a part of the long-term Washington establishment.
    Kellyanne Conway
    Her husband -- George -- whose Twitter feed regularly trolls Trump.

    John Kelly
    The chief of staff has clashed repeatedly with the President and seems to be on borrowed time. Kelly sees his time in the job as serving his country in the only way left to him. Might he view exposing Trump in this way as a last way to be of service?

    Jeff Sessions
    Sessions sticks out as a possibility for a simple reason: He's got motive. No one has been more publicly maligned by Trump than his attorney general. Trump has repeatedly urged Sessions to use the Justice Department for his own pet political concerns. And this week, Sessions found out that Trump has referred to him as "mentally retarded" and mocked his southern accent.
    James Mattis
    The defense secretary has been Trump's favorite Cabinet member. But the quotes attributed to Mattis in Woodward's book are VERY rough on Trump, though Mattis quickly denied that he ever said them.
    Fiona Hill
    Hill, a Russian expert.
    Mike Pence
    The vice president is all smiles, nods and quiet, deferential loyalty in public. Which of course means that he has the perfect cover to write something like this in The New York Times. Pence is also ambitious -- and there's no question he wants to be president. But would taking such a risk as writing this scathing op-ed be a better path to the White House than just waiting Trump out?

    Nikki Haley
    The United Nations ambassador is, like Pence, one of Trump's favorites. She is also, however, someone deeply engaged on the world stage and a voice of concern when it comes to how the President views Russia and Putin. Haley, again like Pence, is ambitious and has her eye on national office. Would this service that goal?

    The combination of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump -- Javanka! -- writing this op-ed would be right out of a soap opera. But that is sort of a perfect way to describe the Trump administration, right? Ivanka Trump said she would work to make her voice heard to her father, but there's little evidence he's listened much to her or her husband. Might this be a bit of revenge?

    Melania Trump
    To be clear, I don't think the first lady did this. But her willingness to send messages when she is unhappy with her husband or his administration is unmistakable. ("I really don't care. Do U?") And, if you believe this administration and Trump are governed by reality shows rules, then Melania writing the op-ed is the most reality TV thing EVER.
    --GRA:Pick a general-any general.Remember Al Haig?
    --GR Anonymous

  2. The person probably doesn't even exist. The whole thing by the NYT is a hoax. This is all part of the Trump-is-mentally-unstable-and-we-need-to-get-rid-of-him.
