Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Video: Morbidly Obese, Ugly, Racist, Black Girl Commits Hate Crime against Attractive, Courteous White Girl… and then Gets the Shock of Her Life!

By Nicholas Stix (via Jesse Mossman)

I came across this video at Breitbart, though Breitbart “reporter,” Katherine Rodriguez, was less than honest.

The white vic who triumphs is named Savannah Sprague. The video was shot by her sister, Sierra. The black perp has managed to remain unnamed.

Katherine Rodriguez: "The unidentified girl then slaps Sprague in the face..."

Didn’t Rodriguez watch the video she posted? The morbidly obese, racist black girl punched the attractive, courteous white girl in the face with a closed fist.

Rodriguez continues,
“Sierra Sprague, Savannah’s sister, who posted the video clip to Twitter, reportedly told her Twitter followers in the post’s replies that her sister was not in trouble despite being in her uniform when the confrontation took place.”
What? Why would Savannah Sprague get in trouble for being a hate crime victim?

Looks like somebody screwed up again at Breitbart, the way they did a couple of years ago, when they hired Michelle Fields.

More bad news: It looks like the Sprague sisters dig black guys.


  1. She kicked her ass good. About time whites fight back. Wait till the libs try and destroy the 2nd Ammendment (will happen evenually) it's going to be the same result.

  2. The Sprague girls like colored guys. Probably the star footbaw player. No wonder that girl knows how to fight.

    That ability of the whitey girl to fight the negress shows what can be done.

  3. jerry pdx
    Liking black guys might explain why the Shaniqua assaulted her, though that photo doesn't necessarily mean anything about their social life in general. Those fat black chicks don't need to be jealous over black guys to assault blonde white women anyways, while they are one of their more preferred targets they'll attack anything, white men, other black women, black men, anything that moves.
