Sunday, September 02, 2018

More Miracles Worked by St. John of McCain!

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix


  1. That sounded,at least at the beginning of this particular tweet,like it was going to be a biblical verse from the Book of McCain:
    "And the children of Trump arrived at the funeral,where they were spat on for their connection to the evil one.They were not welcome.The daughter of McCain stepped forward.She was not in a forgiving mood.
    'Cast out,those who disagreed with my father.For only he(and maybe Soros,Merkle,Bush,Clinton and Obama)has known the way to a perfect world.Drown them in spit,'she implored,'for they will never see my father's vision.'
    Security provided to the evil offspring moved them away from the onslaught of spittle.
    'See them run with fear,as if they are at the Red Hen restaurant.They are disbelievers in our cause.With Allah's,I mean,God's help we will be victorious.'
    And afterwards,the other prophets (GRA:profiteers,a better word)appeared to speak,some of whom had gathered the day before at another(unnecessarily long) funeral.
    'Behold,'said Obama.'The quest for one world order continues."
    The prophet Bush,after getting lost on stage for a few minutes,made his way to speak.
    'Just remember,fool me once,shame on you,fool me twice,you don't get fooled again,well I'm trying to fool you all a third time,because I lost my speech.'
    Which leads to the final lesson:Not all prophets are intelligent.
    --GR Anonymous-I'm a white man

  2. In Vietnam the locals have erected a shrine to McCain and now make sacrifice and incantation to his joss [spirit]. John has become to the Vietnamese a revered character worthy of veneration. Really!!
