Monday, September 10, 2018

GEICO Receives First GRA Award

By Grand Rapids Anonymous—I'm a white man
Monday, September 10, 2018 at 2:01:00 A.M. EDT

GEICO receives first GRA AWARD for its commercial depiction of TV whites as something other than idiots:

Two problems: It was shown at 1:44 a.m. on FOX, and 2) The commercial's plot revolved around two older men watching a black guy in his twenties have severe problems figuring out his mailbox.

The ad should probably be given a half-award, because GEICO did not have the balls to show two white men watching the IQ-deficient black, but instead, made one of two older characters black.

Still, it is the first ad I can recall seeing, that had a black as the butt of the joke. Congrats, GEICO. That didn't hurt too much—did it? Good.


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