Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Alyssa Milano’s Orwellian World: Washed-Up Actress Fights with Reconquista Groups to Destroy America by Eliminating Her Borders and Immigration Laws, Re-Defining Illegal Aliens as “Immigrants” and “the most vulnerable,” Inventing All Manner of Rights for Them, and Disenfranchising Americans



Re-posted and Fisked by Nicholas Stix

Subject: Alyssa Milano, Legal Services Advocates and Vera Institute of Justice Launch New “SAFE Families Fund"

For Immediate Release:
September 12, 2018


Poonam Mantha at and 818.419.2122

Alyssa Milano Joins Legal Services Advocates and Vera Institute of Justice to Launch New “SAFE Families Fund” to Support Immigrants [sic] Facing Deportation

Learn more about the SAFE Families Fund at

SAN DIEGO, CA – At a press conference held today at San Diego’s Civic Center Plaza, activist and actor Alyssa Milano joined with local leaders from the legal and immigrant advocacy communities to highlight the importance of the growing movement to provide legal services to immigrants facing deportation. The press conference also featured the launch of the new SAFE Families Fund, which will be used to expand programs, such as the Vera Institute of Justice’s Safety and Fairness for Everyone (SAFE) Cities Network, that provide legal services and representation to immigrants facing deportation.

According to Alyssa Milano, “In my fifteen years of advocacy around immigration [read: in support of illegal aliens], I have seen how a mother will do anything she can to keep her family safe, even if it means fleeing the only life she has ever known to face an administration that jeers at her arrival and seeks to detain and rapidly deport her without due process of law. [Illegal aliens have no such rights. Milano is a liar; so what else is new? As for “jeering,” that’s just stupid.] At a time when the most vulnerable [Criminals are now “the most vulnerable?] are being targeted [?] at our borders and in our towns and communities across the US, we should support efforts to uphold due process and a fair day in court for all. That’s why the SAFE Families Fund is so vital, and that’s why I’m partnering with Vera to ensure access to counsel for immigrants.” [They’re not “immigrants”!]

For too long, most immigrants [sic] facing the terrifying prospect of deportation from their homes, loved ones, communities, and families, have had no access to legal counsel. That means unaccompanied children, green-card holders who have lived and worked in the United States for decades, or asylum seekers fleeing persecution or torture, can find themselves navigating the complexities of immigration law alone. [Lies, lies, lies.]

The growing movement to provide immigrants [sic] with representation, legal information, and a fair day in court aims to change that imbalance and ensure due process for immigrants [sic]. When immigrants [sic] facing deportation have access to an attorney they are 10 times more likely to win their cases. Ultimately, it’s for a judge to decide what happens to each case in immigration court. But a fair decision cannot be reached when only one side is properly represented.

Nicholas Turner, president of the Vera Institute of Justice, said, “The dehumanization embedded in the immigration court system is a stain on our American values that has spanned generations and administrations. Too many families are ripped apart every day because they are forced to fight for their lives in court without any help from a lawyer or hope for success. The recent escalation of attacks on immigrants [sic] have devastated our communities and enraged an entire nation, but they’ve also brought awareness to this hidden problem and galvanized a movement that seeks to correct our legacy of injustice. We’re grateful to have Alyssa Milano join us in the fight for due process and a fair day in court for all immigrants [sic] facing deportation, and we hope her leadership inspires others to bring reform to their own communities.”

At Wednesday’s press conference, Andrew Nietor, Founder of Nietor Law; Monika Langarica, Senior Staff Attorney at the American Bar Association Immigration [Illegal Alien] Justice Project; Erika Pinheiro, Policy and Litigation Director at Al Otro Lado; and Lindsay Toczylowski, Executive Director of Immigrant [Illegal Alien] Defenders Law Center offered powerful examples of why the movement for legal services is so important.

Also speaking was Wendy, a survivor [of what?!], asylum seeker and a high school student who is a client of Immigrant Defenders, who said

“I am here because I am a survivor [of what?!] and a fighter. [Translation: She’s a foreign criminal.] I am here talking to you because I am lucky. I am lucky that I have a chance. I am lucky that I know that I have legal options to stop my deportation. I am lucky that I have a chance to be protected from the terrible things that happened to me in El Salvador. But I wouldn’t have known about any of these things if I didn’t have a lawyer. I’m proud that I’m a quick learner. I learned a new language in a year. I get A’s in science, math, and English, but there’s no way I could have represented myself in immigration court. There’s no way I could have understood what was happening to me. There is no way I could have fought my case without a lawyer. It’s impossible. But now with my lawyer, I can fight. We fight for my safety and for my life.”

[The lawyer, or one of his staffers, wrote that script for her.]

Find more information on the SAFE Families Fund and how to donate at

Share other words of support using the hashtags #SAFEFamiliesFund and #SAFE4Families

About the Vera Institute of Justice:

The Vera Institute of Justice is an independent nonprofit national research and policy organization working with governments to build and improve [to destroy] justice systems that ensure fairness, promote safety, and strengthen [criminal] communities.


  1. The Onion might say:
    Pam Dawber's Orkwellian World:Mindy tries to get Mork classified as "immigrant"--ex post facto.
    Former "Mork and Mindy" star (and sole survivor)Pam Dawber will attempt to outdo Alyssa Milano's stupidity,by trying to have Mork--the Robin Williams character of 40 years ago--declared an "immigrant",instead of an "illegal alien".
    "I feel that fictional,illegal alien characters need to be treated with the same respect as real,illegal aliens--by our government.Back in 1978,Mork had to be secretive about who he was and where he came from.He worried about deportation every episode,though it was never said.In spite of the fact that Robin Williams is gone,his character lives on.I will fight to have episodes of "Mork and Mindy" redubbed with new dialogue that will be sympathetic to space aliens.I then hope to join with Alyssa Milano's group and its goals of allowing illegal aliens to do whatever the hell they want."
    Dawber was immediately scooped up by the local mental health department and given several rounds of shock treatments.Nano nano.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. jerry pdx
    F*%#k you Alyssa Milano. Pardon my French but when she uses the example of a mother escaping "the only life she knows" she's a lying POS. That category of migrant is the 2nd smallest category of migrants coming to the US, the smallest category being childless females under the age of 30. If she succeeds using "migrant mothers" to abolish ICE and open the border it will result in millions of latin, African, Muslim, Indian and Chinese men pouring into this country, it will be like what happened in Europe cubed. Guaranteed.

    BTW I wouldn't be nearly as adamantly opposed to mothers with children as migrants because there are really so few of them, it's extraordinarily difficult for a single woman to pack up a family and migrate to another country so she's not going to be doing it unless there are some difficult circumstances at home. Single men can take off whenever they please and it's not nearly as dangerous for them to travel alone, so they do. The once hot Milano, getting older and now a cougar, is on some level, aware of the massive disproportion of young single male migrants and sees it as a social advantage for her as a woman, so she's using the migrant mother as a Trojan horse to push her agenda of bringing more 3rd world men to the US.

    Hey Ms. Milano, if you fancy yourself an activist why not confront issues like female infanticide in the 3rd world, a growing problem that has already caused a massively skewed gender ratio in countries like India and China, or underage marriage in the 3rd world, or polygamy in which a small group of older men control young females for their own sexual purposes. Why not use your celebrity to help promote family planning for overpopulating 3rd world countries? No Alyssa? You don't care about those issues that women are facing in the 3rd world? You'd rather just export their surplus people (especially young men) to the US and that's some kind of a solution?

    Milano, you're just another hypocritical, phony, posturing and posing Hollywood idiot.

  3. Most all charities in the USA are a sham and even a scam in many cases. An enormous percentage of donations go to administrative costs and very little EVER gets into the hands of the "needy".
