Monday, August 20, 2018

Demand for Racism Outstrips Supply

By An Old Friend

My friend “porchlight” observes, “Charlottesville proves once again that the demand for racism far outstrips the supply.”

From far down in this:

1 comment:

  1. Or,the accusations by MSM,BLM,NAACP,SPLC,Farrakhan,Sharpton,Holder,Lynch,Obama,Pelosi,that ANY type of protest that whites might voice or organize against minorities,who are attempting to take over the country WE started,is racist.Those groups and individuals plan of attack is to exaggerate all incidents of possible racism by whites(mostly imagined)in order to stir up punishment by social media or corporations.Most whites are laissez-faire about it all.They're too busy working to even think about the subject.
    White liberals in technology and white CEOs in general are our enemy.They are complicit in the war to silence whites who call out ANYTHING that blacks fail at(stopping black crime,failing at education,responsible behavior,work ethic,drug dealing etc).
    The supply of racism against whites, however,is plentiful on the black side of this war for America.I believe that hatred of whites--by blacks/Mex--is at an all time high.To save themselves,whites are going to need to get their priorities straight.Survival of whites in America will depend on it.
    Standing up to blacks and black murder of whites because of guns OR drugs is imperative.Accepting these crimes without raising hell with your local,state and national leaders is contributing to the death of white society in America.Demanding a stop to what's happening is NOT racist.Blacks should not get a free pass to destroy cities around the United States and most definitely should serve full prison sentences for their crimes.
    Trump will have to come up with a way to encourage whites to have more kids.I propose tax breaks for couples who make over say, $75,000 to have more (white)kids.Yes,the blacks will bitch,but it's the only solution.The more kids blacks have(without working),the more money they make.Whites who WORK,need a similar plan.
    ---GR Anonymous-I'm a white man.
