Monday, August 27, 2018

ADL Supports Holocaust, Condemns Trump for Opposing It, and Smears All Opponents of Genocide as "White Supremacists"

Sent: Thu, Aug 23, 2018 2:54 p.m.
Subject: South Africa: Trump tweet (8-22), ADL response (8-23)

Trump tweet (inspired by Tucker Carlson segment on land expropriation): 


I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers. "South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers." @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews

10:28 PM - 22 Aug 2018

ADL Response:

ADL Extremely Troubled by President's Tweet on South Africa
New York, NY, August 23, 2018 

… The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today issued the following statement concerning President Trump's tweet on alleged land and farm seizures, and "large scale killing of farmers," of white farmers in South Africa:

It is extremely disturbing that the President of the United States echoed a longstanding and false white supremacist claim that South Africa's white farmers are targets of large-scale, racially-motivated killings by South Africa's black majority.

White supremacists in the United States have made such claims for years.  In early 2012, ADL's Center on Extremism documented how white supremacists in the United States were gearing up for protests as part of something they termed the "South Africa Project (SAP)." The goal of the organizers, which included representatives from major neo-Nazi, racist skinhead, "traditional white supremacist," Christian Identity groups, as well as racist prison gangs, was to stop the alleged 'genocide of Whites' in South Africa. The protests originated in 2011 at the hands of Monica Stone, a long-time member of the Louisiana-based white supremacist Christian Defense League and immigrant from South Africa.

Since then, white supremacist references to "genocide" in South Africa have been common. Richard Spencer, for example, focused on the plight of the "Boers" in South Africa in his March speech at Michigan State University, suggesting the United States might see something similar.

We would hope that the President would try to understand the facts and realities of the situation in South Africa, rather than repeat disturbing, racially divisive talking points used most frequently by white supremacists.


  1. If done to whitey or Ukrainians the ADL has not problem with mass extermination.

  2. President Trump must invite all white South Africans to migrate to the US. The Whites are truly oppressed in their country of South Africa. The black african government of South Africa will not render any aid of any kind to the Whites of South Africa and many Whites are living in "tent cities" living only with what they can scrounge up. If these people were black or some other color White countries around the world would rush to their aid. President Trump bring these White South Africans to the US.
