Tuesday, March 13, 2018

YouTube and Wikipedia are Conspiring to Soon Introduce a New Tool, with Which to Censor Their Political Enemies!





YouTube will introduce a new tool to combat online conspiracy theories in the coming weeks, the latest effort from Google’s video site to halt the spread of misinformation. Videos propagating conspiracy theories about events, like the moon landing, will
Tue, Mar 13, 2018 9:40 p.m.

YouTube to Work With Wikipedia to Curb Conspiracy Theories

(Bloomberg) -- YouTube will introduce a new tool to combat online conspiracy theories in the coming weeks, the latest effort from Google's video site to halt the spread of misinformation. Videos propagating conspiracy theories about events, like the moon landing, will now be accompanied by text from Wikipedia providing facts that counter the theory, Susan Wojcicki, chief executive officer of YouTube, said on Wednesday. "Our goal is to start with a list of conspiracies around the internet where there's a lot of active discussion," she said at the South by Southwest conference in Austin, Texas, on Wednesday.



Wikipedia, the fake encyclopedia


  1. jerry pdx
    I wonder if this is going to affect black supremacist videos, you know, those ones that claim the black man ruled the world, invented everything and everybody who has accomplished anything has black blood somewhere in them, not even to mention the sites where they claim melanin confers some kind of magic juju on black people that whitey doesn't have. They would probably argue those aren't technically "conspiracy" sites but isn't the rationalization that they present misinformation or falsehoods? Those black supremacist videos are the textbook definition of lies and fake information but I'm willing to bet Youtube and Google are going to have a hands off policy when it comes to them.

  2. As you well know, only whites can be racist.

  3. Shut down one web site, shut down two web sites, might as well shut down all web sites.
