Monday, March 26, 2018

What the MSM Refused to Talk about, While They Flooded the Zone over the Weekend with the Hitler Youth March Against Freedom

By Nicholas Stix

I commented, This is a good article, Mr. Agorist, but you left out one to me obvious point, regarding the march against freedom: All of the Hollywood zillionaires you cited, who gave $500,000 to the march, went surrounded by personal gunslingers, who were armed to the teeth.

5 Stories the Media Buried While Obsessing Over “March for Our Lives”

As the media and government focused their attention on the thousands of teenagers demanding the state take away their right to self-defense in the March for our Lives rally, these five big stories were buried in the press.
By Matt Agorist
March 26, 2018
The Free Thought Project

Over the weekend, hundreds of thousands of children, teens, and adults alike took part in the March for Our Lives rally to demand government take away our rights. Celebrities like George and Amal Clooney, Steven Spielberg, Kate Capshaw, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and Oprah Winfrey all pledged to donate $500,000 each to the rally. Ironically enough, these people all think they are doing something heroic and brave. However, in reality, they are being used as tools of the state to strip Americans of their rights.

When hundreds of thousands of people march on the capital to demand the government take away their rights, we are witnessing the power of years of public indoctrination. Political activism has been co-opted by the establishment who now exploits young Americans to promote an agenda of gun control. Aside from being incredibly shameful, watching Americans beg the state to take away their right to self-defense is a telling sign of how well the indoctrination system is working.

This exercise in despotism and celebration of tyranny, dubbed “March for Our Lives,” dominated the news cycle over the weekend. The media, celebrities, and government alike celebrated, promoted, and sanctioned the idea of taking away our rights—all the while, downplaying and ignoring other extremely important issues.

The Free Thought Project has put together a list of five stories the media buried while promoting and spotlighting teenagers who are begging for tyranny.

1. Video of Stephan Paddock has finally been released.

In spite of the dozens of Freedom of Information Act requests by local media and lawsuits demanding the release the surveillance footage, somehow the New York Times was able to obtain the exclusive footage allegedly showing Paddock inside the hotel.

In the chilling video, we see Paddock alone and blending in, never looking suspicious and even raising his hands in delight when he won $1,000 while gambling and eating sushi.

However, behind the scenes, Paddock was filling his room with dozens of weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition.

“Over and over in the clips, Mr. Paddock is seen leaving the Mandalay Bay for his home in Mesquite, returning with a dark minivan loaded with suitcases,” the Times reported.

While the release of this footage is certainly a step in the right direction, this case remains shrouded in secrecy and deceit. What’s more, the NY Times was given hundreds of hours of video and yet they only released less than ten minutes of it. Until all the footage and evidence is publicly released, authorities and the mainstream media alike are doing a disservice to the public.

2. Americans waking up to the “shadow government” who runs things behind the scenes.

According to a Monmouth University Poll that was released this week, the majority of Americans believes that a group of unelected government and military officials secretly manipulate the United State government from behind the scenes….

[Read the rest at The Free Thought Project.]

1 comment:

  1. I've seen several sources, including a Steve Sailer piece of three years ago, that say Stephen Spielberg is a big-time gun collector. He wants to have a gun collection but doesn't want us to have guns.

    And Spielberg has armed bodyguards everywhere he goes.
