Sunday, March 11, 2018

Treasury Secretary is OK with Donald Trump Calling Maxine Waters a "Low-IQ Individual"

By Reader-Researcher R.C.

At Yahoo! News.


  1. jerry pdx
    Yet another sucker punch attack. A raceless animal by the name of Jose (Golden Boy) Hasing brutally and viciously attacks a 22 year old Asian man by the name of Wen Ruan, after accusing the victim of giving him a dirty look.
    The video makes him appear to be very light skinned but I've noticed those videos always reflect light in a way that makes anyone look lighter skinned. Below is the mooks mugshot, reveals him likely to be an Afro-Hispanic, relatively light skinned but some of those light skinned negroes are the most vicious ones. I think they are often more racist and violent toward whites because they have encountered so much racism and bigotry from darker skinned blacks, they feel a need to compensate and "prove" their blackness.
    I don't know what the "Golden Boy" nickname is about, maybe he used to box but golden is one thing he ain't.

  2. As I posted Sunday,the rumor that Trump was going to clean house proved true,with the news that Rex Tillerson was replaced as Secretary of State by Mike Pompeo.According to many opinions I heard so far today,Pompeo is more of a confrontationalist than Tillerson,a businessman who disagreed with Trump on most issues.That leaves Kelly on the lookout for a boot with his name on it.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. The moral of the Tillerson story is,you can't call your boss "a moron",and expect to have a job a few months down the road.Trump may not fire you immediately,but the process of separation has begun.Lesta told the story with much pleasure,a while back.Now Holt will talk about chaos in the White House.Shi**y tabloid newscast ,Negro Nightly News is.
    --GR Anonymous

  4. Not "low IQ"---"NO IQ".Trump gave her credit for too many brain cells.
    ---GR Anonymous
