Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Now, the FBI are Just Security Monitors: Bureau’s Negligence and Cowardice Costs Yet Another Life: Bureau Knew All about Moslem Convert and ISIS Sympathizer for a Year, but Waited for Him to Murder a 13-Year-Old Boy, While Jihadi Sought to Wipe Out Vic’s Family



By Reader-Researcher R.C.

FBI Was Monitoring Florida Muslim Teen Who Stabbed Boy to Death in Name of Islam, Did Nothing to Stop Him for a Year

“Corey Johnson, a 17-year-old Florida youth who converted to Islam confessed to killing a 13-year-old boy at a sleepover and attacking the host family in the name of Islam on Monday. Johnson was on the FBI's radar screen for over a year as an ISIS sympathizer but the FBI did nothing because he was a juvenile. Johnson also stabbed the host family's 13-year-old son 32 times as he defended his mother while she was being stabbed, according to Palm Beach Gardens, Florida police. Corey Johnson, Palm …”

At The Gateway Pundit.


Good Moslem, Corey Johnson

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