Sunday, March 18, 2018

Brigitte Bardot: “I didn’t fight against French Algeria to accept an Algerian France”



By Reader-Researcher R.C.

“Bardot added that she is a supporter of right-wing National Front politician Marine Le Pen, who has also spoken out against France's membership in the EU. She went on to note her affinity for former French Prime Minister Francois Fillon…”

“I didn’t fight against French Algeria to accept an Algerian France”: Bardot slams modern-day France

French actress Brigitte Bardot has spoken out against the state of her country, saying that Islamists are "practically everywhere" and that France should not resemble Algeria.


  1. Her protests have been ruled by Merkle and Soros to be racist and will be ignored for now.If this type of detrimental opining continues however,there are ways to shut her up permanently(see UK poisoning attack).

  2. Brigitte specifically does not the Muslim festivals where they cut the throats of sheep. Brigitte is an animal rights activist.
